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テーマは、各国の出生率比較です。いわゆる合計特殊出生率 (TFR) について述べてあります。最初の文は、欠点がたくさんあります。たとえ文が incorrect (文法的にまちがっている)でなくとも、awkward (不自然・英文の流れに合わない)である部分は、母国語としている人でないとわからない場合があります。

Look at the chart below. This shows the area, population and total fertility rate (TFR) of five countries of the world. TFR is the average number of children a woman bears in her lifetime. If it is higher than 2.1, the population of that country increases, and if it is less than 2.1, the population decreases. The graph shows that the relationships among total special birthrate, the area and the population varies from country to country.

Japan is small in area, and the flat land occupies only a fraction of it. Most of the people crowd into the limited patches of flat lands, leading to reduced green space and farmland in the suburbs of large cities, and this increases the burden on our environment.

TFR has been ominously coming down since Japan reached to the apex of bubble era in the 1990s, after years of spectacular economic growth starting at the end of the war. Women advance into the workplace, while official assistance for helping raise their children is still miserably insufficient.

Surprisingly, TFR in South Korea is slightly lower than in Japan. In addition to the various hardship of raising children, it is reported that in the course of many years of economic growth, traditional Confucian values has turned into modern ones in favor of having fewer children.

Russia has a TFR slightly higher than South Korea, but in fact considerably lower than Japan and if this remains low, Russia, whose population is roughly as large as that of Japan, and which has a high mortality rate after a long period of social confusion following the collapse of the Soviet Union, may go through a drastic population decrease in the near future.

France has an area one and a half times larger than and a population half that of Japan. Furthermore, a large part of land consists of plains. France was long suffering from low TFR, but is now getting nearer to the 2.1. This may be partly because the government-led measures for helping parents have proved effective.

In Africa, birth rate is generally high, though mortality rate is also high. The population growth depends on the food supply, hygienic state and the public health care of the country. Niger has the highest TFR in the world. But the food production is unstable, and many problems are to be solved before they achieve steady population growth.

Generous official assistance may be of some help to raise TFR in the developed countries, but the population of the world has just exceeded six thousand and five hundred million, and unless the population growth as a whole is halted or some effort to reduce it is made, there is a possibility of overpopulation exerting devastating impact on the whole earth


Japan Niger South Korea Russia France
Area (1000Km²) 378 1267 99 17075 552
Population (1000) 126688 11972 47700 143264 60144
Total fertility rate 1.29 7.91 1.16 1.17 1.94

World Bank Atlas 2003 and World Population Prospects The 2004 Revision


Look at the chart below. This shows the area, population and total fertility rate (TFR) of five countries of the world. この二つの文は関係代名詞を使って連結した方がもっと自然です。又、of the world というのはくどいですから取るべきです。TFR is the average number of children a woman bears in her lifetime. If it is higher than 2.1, the population of that country increases, and if it is less than 2.1, the population decreases. The graph shows that the relationships among total fertility rate, the area and the population varies from country to country. 二つ以上の単語を扱っているので、the relationship among ではなく、the relationship between を使うべきでしょう。また、area と population の前にある the は不要です。

Japan is small in area, and the flat land occupies only a fraction of it. Most of the people crowd into the limited patches of flat lands, 最初のflatland は flat だけの形容詞としてとりあえずうしろにおいておき、あとの文に備えます。Most で始まる後半の文も何かぎこちないですね。crowd into ではなく are crowded into にします。leading to reduced green space and farmland in the suburbs of large cities, and this increases the burden on our environment.

TFR has been ominously coming down since Japan reached to the apex of bubble era in the 1990s, 副詞の ominously は「出生率が下がったことが不気味」なのだから、動詞の前ではなく、文頭に置くべきです。、また、「バブルの頂点( apex )」という言い方はしません。「バブルがはじけた (burst) 」を使うべきでしょう。after years of spectacular economic growth starting at the end of the war. 今の若い世代には遠い歴史の中の事件ですから、「第2次世界大戦」と明記すべきです。Women advance into the workplace, 「職場に進出」のつもりでしょうが、advance を使うとまるで軍隊の行進のように聞こえます。move で十分です。while official assistance for helping raise their children is still miserably insufficient. 同じ文中で assistance と helping を使うということは、無意味な反復になります( tautology )。どちらかを消去すべきです。

Surprisingly, TFR in South Korea is slightly lower than in Japan. なぜここで surprisingly なのでしょうか?その理由がここでははっきりしません。消去すべきです。In addition to the various hardship of raising children, it is reported that in the course of many years of economic growth, traditional Confucian values has turned into modern ones in favor of having fewer children. 「困難」に使われている hardship は単数ですから、前の形容詞 various と一致しませんから difficulties などの取り替えるべきです。さらに「価値 values 」が変化したのではなく人々の態度が変化した(前の価値を拒絶するようになった)のです。その結果、子供の数を少なく望む人々が増えたのです。

Russia has a TFR slightly higher than South Korea, but in fact considerably lower than Japan この文が不自然なのは、have動詞を使っているせいだと思われます。Russia や South Korea には所有格を使い、形容詞 high については be動詞を使った方がよろしい。and if this remains low, Russia, whose population is roughly as large as that of Japan, and which has a high mortality rate after a long period of social confusion following the collapse of the Soviet Union, may go through a drastic population decrease in the near future.

France has an area one and a half times larger than and a population half that of Japan. ここも文法的に間違っているのではなく、「流れの悪い文」です。これも have 動詞を使っているせいもありますが、「人口が半分」のところを副詞句にして、主文に挿入させるとスマートな文になります。 Furthermore, a large part of land consists of plains.この文では内容にいささか問題があります。フランスの国土は平原が多いというのなら、日本より人口が多くてもいいはず。でも実際には日本より少ない・・・説得力がありません。この文は削除すべきです。 France was long suffering from low TFR, but is now getting nearer to the 2.1. なぜかここで文体が急にくだけた調子になっている???long を for many years に、getting nearer を approaching に、そして2.1を具体的な説明文に変えたほうがよい。 This may be partly because the government-led measures for helping parents have proved effective.

In Africa, birth rate is generally high, though mortality rate is also high. 文中において、「出生率」と「死亡率」は、このアフリカ特有のものなので、定冠詞を置くべきです。The population growth depends on the food supply, hygienic state and the public health care of the country. Niger has the highest TFR in the world. But the food production is unstable, and many problems are to be solved before they achieve steady population growth.「食糧生産」は「・・・率」などと違ってあいまいな概念なので、逆に冠詞は不要です。また、 are to be solved のように多くの意味を含みそうな表現は避けて、きちんと need などを使ったほうがよい。

Generous official assistance may be of some help to raise TFR in the developed countries, この文はこれまでの流れとは大きく違っているので、「しかしながら」のようなつなぎの言葉がないと読む人がとまどってしまう。 but the population of the world has just exceeded six thousand and five hundred million, ここは six and a half billion と書くべき。 and unless the population growth ここの部分は、the growth in population (冠詞付き)、または population growth (冠詞なし)のどちらかです。 as a whole is halted or some effort to reduce it is made, there is a possibility of overpopulation exerting devastating impact on the whole earth. ここでは exert an influence も悪くないが、have an impact のほうがよいのではないか。




Look at the chart below, which shows the area, population and total fertility rate (TFR) of five countries. TFR is the average number of children a woman bears in her lifetime. If it is higher than 2.1, the population of that country increases, and if it is less than 2.1, the population decreases. The graph shows that the relationship between total fertility rate, area and population varies from country to country.

Japan is a small country, and only a fraction of its total area is flat. Most of the people are crowded into these limited patches of flat land, leading to reduced green space and farmland in the suburbs of large cities, and this increases the burden on our environment.

Ominously, TFR in Japan has been coming down since just before the bubble burst in the 1990s, after years of spectacular economic growth starting at the end of the Second World War. Women have moved into the workplace, while what the government does to help them raise their children is still miserably insufficient.

TFR in South Korea is slightly lower than that in Japan. In addition to the various hardships involved in child-raising, it seems that many years of economic growth, have caused people to reject Confucian values. This has resulted in them having fewer children.

Russia's TFR slightly higher than South Korea's, but considerably lower than Japan's, and if this remains low, Russia, whose population is roughly as large as that of Japan, and which has a high mortality rate after a long period of social confusion following the collapse of the Soviet Union, may go through a drastic population decrease in the near future.

France, with a population half that of Japan, is one and a half times its size. For many years France's TFR was low, but it is now approaching the level at which population increases. This may be partly because the government-led measures for helping parents have proved effective.

In Africa, the birth rate is generally high, though the mortality rate is also high. The population growth depends on the food supply, hygienic state and the public health care of the country. Niger has the highest TFR in the world. But food production is unstable, and many problems need to be solved before they achieve steady population growth.

However, perhaps population growth is not something which should be encouraged. Generous official aid may be helping to raise TFR in developed countries, but the population of the world has just exceeded six and a half billion, and unless population growth as a whole is halted or some effort to reduce it is made, there is a possibility of overpopulation having a devastating impact on the whole earth.


Japan Niger South Korea Russia France
Area (1000Km²) 378 1267 99 17075 552
Population (1000) 126688 11972 47700 143264 60144
Total fertility rate 1.29 7.91 1.16 1.17 1.94

World Bank Atlas 2003 and World Population Prospects The 2004 Revision


下の図表をご覧下さい。これには5カ国の面積、人口、合計特殊出生率(TFR)が示してあります。TFRは一人の女性が一生の間に産む子供の数の平均値です。もし2.1より高ければ、その国の人口は増加し、2.1より低ければ、その国の人口は減少します。この図表はTFR と面積、人口の関係が国によって異なることを示しています。



韓国における TFR は日本よりわずかに低い。子育てに伴うさまざまな困難に加えて、数年にわたる経済成長により人々は儒教的な価値を拒絶するようになったようです。これにより産まれる子供の数が減りました。

ロシアの TFR は韓国よりも少し高いが、日本よりはかなり低く、もしこのまま低い状態が続くならば、日本とほぼ同じ人口で、ソ連崩壊後に続く長い社会的混乱の後の高い死亡率を示すロシアは近い将来急激な人口減少を引き起こすかもしれない。

フランスは日本の人口の半分だが、その面積は1.5倍ある。何年もの間、フランスの TFR は低かったが、現在では人口増加が起こる水準に近づいている。これは一つには政府主導による親への援助が功を奏したためであろう。

アフリカでは出生率は一般に高いが、死亡率もまた高いのである。人口増加は食糧供給、衛生状態、国の公衆衛生しだいである。ニジェールは世界最高の TFR を示している。だが食糧生産は不安定であり、堅調な人口増加を実現するには多くの問題を解決する必要がある。


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