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Fuji-yama by Yamashita Kiyoshi


HOME > Language > Basic Japanese > Adjectives

Part 1 a short pencil

Japanese adjectives has two kinds ; i adjective and na adjective. They have the past tense. They have special forms for negative expression.

First, let's learn 20 adjectives.
words Japanese pronunciation
a long rope 長いひも nagai himo
a short pencil 短い鉛筆 mijikai enpitsu
a low tree 低い木 hikui ki
a high tower

an expensive book



taka-i too

taka-i hon

cheap meat 安い肉 yasu-i niku
a new shirt 新しいシャツ atarashi-i shatsu
old socks 古い靴下 huru-i kutsushita
yellow shoes 黄色い靴 kiiro-i kutsu
blue sky 青い空 ao-i sora
red handkerchief 赤いハンカチ aka-i hankachi
a black umbrella 黒い傘 kuro-i kasa
a white mountain 白い山 shiro-i yama
a heavy box 重い箱 omo-i hako
light baggage 軽い荷物 karu-i nimotsu
good taste (cooking) よい味 yo-i aji
bad (rotten) fish 悪い魚 waru-i sakana
a big bag 大きい袋 ooki-i hukuro
a small chair 小さい椅子 chiisa-i isu
a bright room 明るい部屋 akaru-i heya
dark streets 暗い道 kura-i michi

Note ; All these adjectives in the dictonary form have a stem with " i ". That is why they are called " i adjective ".

Note; All these adjectives above are follwed by nouns. This is attributive.

Note; " taka-i " has two meanings.

< i adjective> -i < noun >


Part 2 a handsome actor

Look at the second type of adjective.

words Japanese pronunciation
a peachy boy 元気な男の子 genki-na otoko no ko
a kind salesperson (at a shop) 親切な店員 shinsetsu-na ten-in
an unkind conductor (in a bus) 不親切な車掌 hu-shinsetsu-na shashoo
a handsome actor ハンサムな俳優 hansamu-na haiyuu
calm sea 静かな海 shizuka-na umi
pretty clothes

clean water



kirei-na huku

kirei-na mizu

Note ; All these adjectives in the dictonary form have a stem with " na ". That is why they are called " na adjective."

Note; All these adjectives above are follwed by nouns. This is attributive, too.

Note; " kirei-na " has two meanings..

< na adjective> -na < noun )

Note; " genki " and " shinsetsu " are originally nouns. Some abstract nouns can be turned into na adjectives just by putting "-na" at the tail

Note ; " hansamu-na " is off course originally a word borrowed from a foreign language. Some of them can be turned into na adjectives just by putting "na" at the tail

You can see some more examples below.

words Japanese pronuncication
simplelife シンプルな生活 shinpuru-na seikatsu
quick service スピーディーなサービス supiidii-na saabisu
a taking girl チャーミングな女の子 chaamingu-na onnanoko
a clean kitchen 清潔な台所 seiketsu-na daidokoro
complicated circumstances 複雑な事情 hukuzatsu-na jijyoo
a dangerous animal 危険な動物 kiken-na doobutsu


Part 3 Is this book expensive ?

We can make sentences by making use of i adjectives.

conversations Japanese pronunciation
Is this book expensive ?

Yes, it it.



kono hon wa taka-i desuka

hai, takaidesu.

Is your shirt new ?

No. It is old.



anatano shatsu wa atarashi-i desuka

iie, huru-i desu

Is your baggage light ?

It is not light.

It is not light.



anatano nimotsu wa karu-i desuka

karu-ku nai desu

karu-ku arimasen

Note : All these adjectives above are follwed by subjects. ( However, when you answer the question, in most cases the subjects are dropped. ) This is predicative.

Note : You can see examples of declarative sentence above. Just add " desu " after i adjective. In interrogative sentences, add " desuka " instead of " desu ".

In negative sentences, there are two ways; Take " -i " away and then, add " -kunai desu " or " -ku arimasen ". Compare this with other negatives already learnd, "-jya arimasen" and "-masen"

Exercises ;

  • 大きい ooki-i →大きくないです ooki-kunai desu / 大きくありません ooki-ku arimasen
  • 高い taka-i →高くないです taka-kunai desu / 高くありませんtaka-ku arimasen
  • 長い naga-i →長くないです naga-kunai desu / 長くありません naga-ku arimasen
  • 青い ao-i →青くないです ao-kunai desu / 青くありません ao-ku arimasen
PATTERN (36/37/38)
< i adjective> -i desu
< i adjective> -i desuka
< i adjective> -kunai desu / -ku arimasen

Note : Negative form " -kunai " can be applied to attributive use if you don't put "desu" at the end of the sentence.

Examples ;

  • 短い鉛筆 mijika-i enpitsu →短くない鉛筆 mijika-kunai enpitsu  
  • 古い靴下 huru-i kutsushita →古くない靴下 huru-kunai kutsushita
  • よい味 yo-i aji →よくない味 yo-kunai aji


Part 4 Is that salesperson kind ?

They are the sentences ued by na adjectives.

conversations Japanese pronunciation
Is that boy peachy ?

Yes, he is.



ano otoko no ko wa genki desuka.

hai, genki desu.

Is that salesperon kind ?

No. She is unkind.



ano ten-in wa shinsetsu desuka

iie, hu-shinsetsu desu

Is this water clean ?

No, it isn't.



kono mizu wa kirei desuka

iie, kirei-jya arimasen

Note : All these adjectives above are follwed by subjects and end with " desu ". ( However, when you answer the question, in most cases the subjects are dropped. ) This is predicative, in which " na " is completely dropped.

Note : You can see above examples of declarative sentence. Take away " -na " and just add " desu " after the adjective. In interrogative sentences, add " desuka " instead of " desu ".

In negative sentences, take away " -na " and then, add " -jya arimasen " or " -jyanai desu ". This is the same pattern as we have learned. ( Taro is a salesperson.- Part 2 )

Exercises ;

  • 元気です genki desu →元気じゃありません genki-jya arimasen / 元気じゃないです genki-jyanai desu
  • 親切です shinsetsu desu→親切じゃありません shinsetsu-jya arimasen / 親切じゃないです shinsetsu-janai desu 
  • シンプルです shinpuru desu →シンプルじゃありません shinpuru-jya arimasen / シンプルじゃないですshinpuru-jyanai desu 
  • 清潔です seiketsu desu →清潔じゃありません seiketsu-jya arimasen / 清潔じゃないです seiketsu-jya arimasen
PATTERN (39/40/41)
< na adjective > desu
< na adjective > desuka
< na adjective > -jya arimasen / -jyanai desu

Note ; The negative pattern cannot be applied to attributive use.


Part 5 What was the girl like ?

When you want to ask someone characteristics of a thing or a person, that is, the color, size, weight, length, height etc., you use " donna ". Questions beginning with "donna" may lead to answers containing ajectives with nouns.

conversations Japanese pronunciation
What color are your shoes ?

They are black.



donna kutsu desuka

kuro-i kutsu desu

What size is the desk ?

I bought a large one.



donna tsukue desuka

ooki-i tsukue desu

What was the girl like ?

She was a taking girl.



donna onnanoko deshitaka

chaamingu-na onnanoko deshita

What did the dog look like ?

It was dangerous.



donna inu deshitaka

kiken-na inu deshita

Note; 犬 inu = dog

donna < noun > desuka / deshitaka


Part 6 How do you like Japanese ?

In Japanese, there is a special type of adjective which expresses your own impressions. The subjects are, in most cases, supposed to be something other than persons. If you want to ask someone how he likes or feels, then ask a question ending with " wa doo desuka ".

conversations Japanese pronunciation
How do you like the dishes at this restaurant ?

They are very good.



kono mise no ryoori wa doo desuka

oishi-i desu

How is your Japanese ?

I find it a little difficult.



nihongo wa doo desuka

sukoshi mizukashi-i desu

How do you like skiing ?

It is very exciting.



sukii wa doo desuka

totemo omoshiro-i desu

How do you like this concert ?

I don't find it very attracting.



kono konsaato wa doo desuka

amari tanoshi-ku arimasen

How is this mathematical problem ?

It is not very easy.



kono suugaku no mondai wa doo desuka

amari yasashi-ku arimasen

Notes ; These five adjectives above must be taken great care of, because there are many special usages mentioned later.

Noets ; とても = very much ( usually used in the affirmative ) あまり・・・ない = not...very ( usually used in the negative or inteerogative ) 少し = a little, a few ( usually used in the affirmative )

adjectives Japanese pronunciation
easy やさしい yasashi-i
difficult, hard, tough むずかしい muzukashi-i
make you happy, make you relaxed 楽しい tanoshi-i
interesing, not boring, amusing, attracting, exciting おもしろい omoshiro-i
tasty おいしい oishi-i
make you sad 悲しい kanashi-i
regretting, regretful 残念な zannen-na

Notes ; . They are all i adjectives except 残念な. In case these adjectives have a person as a subject, I'll tell you later.

< a subject > wa doo desuka


Part 7 It was cold yesterday.

Adjectives have a " the past tense " form. They are largely regular, so it is easy to make one. Be careful that there is a difference between i adjective and na adjective in making them. It is advisable that the words indicaing the past be added to the sentence.
examples 1
statements Japanese pronunciation
This vegetable is expensive.

It was inexpensive a week ago.



kono yasai wa taka-i desu

isshuukan mae wa yasu-katta desu

This baby is heavy.

It was light six months ago.

It was not heavy six months ago.

It was not heavy six months ago.





kono akachan wa omo-i desu

hantoshi mae wa karu-katta desu

hantoshi mae wa ooki-ku nakatta desu

hantoshi mae wa ooki-ku arimasen deshita

It is warm today.

It was cold yesterday.

It was not cold the day before yesterday.

It was not cold the day before yesterday.





kyoo wa atataka-i desu

kinoo wa samu-katta desu

ototoi wa samu-ku nakatta desu

ototoi wa samu-ku arimasen deshita

Notes ;The examples above are all i adjectives. You can see the past tense affirmative and the past tense negative. There are two kinds of negative type.

Exercises ;

  • 大きい ooki-i →大きかったです ooki-katta desu →大きくなかったです・大きくありませんでした ooki-ku nakatta desu / ooki-ku arimasen deshita
  • 高い taka-i →高かったです taka-katta desu →高くなかったです・高くありませんでした taka-ku nakatta desu / taka-ku arimasen deshita
  • 長い naga-i →長かったです naga-katta desu →長くなかったです・長くありませんでした naga-ku nakatta desu / naga-ku arimasen deshita
  • 青い ao-i →青かったです ao-katta desu →青くなかったです・青くありませんでした ao-ku nakatta desu / ao-ku arimasen deshita
examples 2
statements Japanese pronunciation
The cherrys were beautiful last month. 先月は桜がきれいでした。 sengetsu wa sakura ga kirei deshita
Taro was fine yesterday.

He is not faine today.

He is not faine today.




taroo-san was kinoo genki deshita

kyoo wa genki jya-arimasen

kyoo wa genki de-nakatta desu

The salesperson today is kind.

The salesperson yesterday was not kind.

The salesperson yesterday was not kind.




kyoo no ten-in wa shinsetsu desu

kinoo no ten-in wa shinsetsu jya-arimasen-deshita

kinoo no ten-in wa shinsetsu de-nakattadesu

Notes ;The examples above are all na adjectives. There are also two kinds of the past tense negative.

Exercises ;

  • 元気です genki desu →元気でした genki deshita →元気でありませんでした genki-de arimasen deshita / 元気でなかったです genki-de nakatta desu
  • 親切です shinsetsu desu→親切でしたshinsetsu deshita →親切でありませんでした shinsetsu de arimasen deshita / 親切でなかったです shinsetsu-de nakatta desu
  • シンプルです shinpuru desu →シンプルでした shinpuru deshita →シンプルでありませんでした shinpuru-de arimasen deshita / シンプルでなかったです shinpuru-de nakatta desu
  • 清潔です seiketsu desu →清潔でした seiketsu deshita →清潔でありませんでした seiketsu-de arimasen deshita /清潔でなかったです seiketsu-de nakatta desu
PATTERN (44/45/46/47)
< i adjective > -katta desu
< i adjective > -ku nakatta desu
< na adjective ) deshita
< na adjective > -de nakatta desu / -de arimasen deshita


Part 8 This apple is red and tasty.

When you combine two or more adjectives, there are some rules.
statements Japanese pronunciation
This apple is ( both ) red and tasty. このリンゴは赤くておいしいです。 kono ringo wa aka-kute oishi-i desu
This seashore is ( both ) clean and calm. この海岸はきれいで静かです。 kono kaigan wa kirei-de shizuka desu
This salesperson is ( both ) handsome and kind. この店員はハンサムで親切です。 kono ten-in wa hansamu-de shinsetsu desu

Notes ; When the first of the adjective is " i " adjective, " -kute " is used as AND. When the first of the adjective is " na " adjective, then " -de " is used as AND.

PATTERN (48/49)
< i adjective > kute < i / na adjective > desu
< na adjective > de < i / na adjective > desu


Part 9 This painting is old, but beautiful.

When you want to emphasize the good point of one adjective and the bad point of the other adjective, " desu ga " is used when the latter message is contrary to your expectation.

statements Japanese pronunciation
This painting is old, but beautiful. この絵は古いですが、きれいです。 kono e wa huru-i desu-ga kire-i desu
Sushi is expensive, and tasty. 寿司は高いですが、おいしいです。 sushi wa taka-i desu-ga oishi-i desu
This bicycle is inexpensive, but heavy. この自転車は安いですが、重いです。 kono jitensha wa yasu-i desuga omo-i desu

Notes ; This " ga " does not always mean BUT.

After " ga ", it is recommendable to put " 、" .

< subject > wa < i / na adjective > desu ga < i / na adjective > desu



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