Basic Japanese

Fuji-yama by YAMASHITA Kiyoshi


HOME > Language > Basic Japanese > Comparison

Part 1 It is warmer in July than in June.

When you try to compare the two things or persons, " yori " plus some adjective is used. " yori " is roughly equivalent to " than ", but this always comes before the main statement.

statement Japanese pronunciation
It is a little warmer in July than in June. 7月は6月よりすこし暖かいです。 shichi-gatsu wa roku-gatsu yori sukoshi atatakai-desu
Toru is a somewhat taller than Masako. 徹さんは昌子さんよりちょっと背が高いです。 tooru-san wa masako-san yori chotto se ga takai-desu
This box is much heavier than you. この箱はあなたよりずっと重いです。 kono hako wa anata yori zutto omoi-desu
This street is darker than the main street. この道は表通りより暗いです。 kono michi wa omote-doori yori kurai-desu
This book is more expensive than that of that store. この本はあの店より高いです。 kono hon wa ano mise yori takai-desu

Note ; In the fifth example, " ano mise " means " ano mise no hon ". In the comparison, the repeated word is usually omitted without pronouns being added.

words ;少し sukoshi = a little ちょっと chotto = somewhat ずっと zutto = much, by far 表通り omote-doori = the main street

< the subject > wa < the object of comparison > yori < i / na adjective > desu


Part 2 It is not so cold in March than in January

In Japanese, the negative form of comparison is used when both things or persons are not so greatly different. Be careful not to use this type when you compare the two that are obviously differnt in size, height, weight, capacity etc. which makes the comparison quite unnatural. ex.a mouse and an elephant, adult and infant...

statement Japanese pronunciation
It is not so cold in March than in January. 一月は三月ほど寒くありません。 ichi-gatsu hasan-gatsu hodo samu-ku arimasen
Masako is not so tall as Toru. 昌子さんは徹さんほど背が高くありません。 masako-san wa tooru-san hodo se ga taka-ku arimasen
This street is not so light as the main street. この通りは表通りほど明るくありません。 kono toori wa omote-doori hodo akaru-ku arimasen
This books is not so expensive than that of that store. この本はあの店ほど高くありません。 kono hon wa ano mise hodo taka-ku arimasen
< the subject > wa < the object of comparisont > hodo < negative expression > (nai)


Part 3 I


statement Japanese pronunciation

Note : W


Note : When you talk about your family, " ari-masu " is often used. ex.幸子さんは三人の兄弟があります。sachiko-san wa sannin no kyoodai ga ari-masu as described later


Part 4 I want a camera

Another example of " " pattern is for the purpose of expressing whatever you want or whatever you want to have.

statement Japanese pronunciation

Note : This pattern cannot be used when the subject is the third person. ( he, she, Tooru, Masako etc.) When you talk about the third person, there is a pattern, " ... wa ... o hoshi-gatte-imasu ". ex. 花子さんは車をほしがっています。Hanako-san wa kuruma o hoshi-gatte-imasu as described later

Note : As for the negative form of " hoshi-i-desu ", see adjective Part Three

< first or second peron > wa < the object > ga hoshii-desu

Note :


Part 5 I want to buy a camera



< first or second person > wa < a verb minus "masu" > tai-desu




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