
接 続 詞

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接続詞の機能 等位接続詞(文と文を結合するのみ)・ 従属接続詞(主節に付属する副詞節を作る・名詞節を作るものもあり)


順接 選択 逆接 理由 否定 結果
and or but for nor so


理由 理由・時 様態・理由・時・比較 時・譲歩
because since as when while
場所 譲歩 譲歩 譲歩
after before until till where though although whether
条件 条件 条件 条件 条件 否定目的
if provided providing supposed supposing lest

群従属接続詞(副詞節をつくる) 接続詞でない要素を含む接続詞

理由 理由 時・条件
seeing that in that as soon as once the moment
譲歩 条件
immediately the instant no matter wh-/how on the ground that
条件 目的・結果 目的 備え
on the condition that so that in order that in case
恐れ 提示 結果 比較
for fear that given so that than


事実 選択 選択
that if whether

ドリル (解答)


  1. I don't want to eat it once I have tried it.
  2. I have been there once.
  3. The train was delayed because of the rain.
  4. Because he was very tired he couldn't keep standing.
  5. This is the place where the poet was born.
  6. Put the pencil back where you took it.
  7. She has often suffer from headaches since then.
  8. Since I was 16, I have been working in the factory.
  9. The moment I left, the bottle blew up.
  10. Please don't talk for the moment.
  11. He asked me when I would leave.
  12. He asked me a question when I sat by him.
  13. After the sunset, they all went into the cave.
  14. After the sun set, she began to prepare dinner.
  15. Take an umbrella with you just in case.
  16. We bought lunch packs in case there were no stores on the way

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