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問1 次の文の誤りを正しなさい。



「俺は日本語を生まれてからずっと話しているんだぞ、こんな簡単な問題、バカにするな!」という声が聞こえそうです。ところがわかっちゃいない。”誤り”のはずの文が英文の正体なのです。「ので」は because であり、「とき」は when であります。

問2 あなたはどちらの文をよく使いますか?


きっとほとんどの人が(1)が自然だと言い張るでしょう。でも英語では(1)も(2)も平気なのです。「たら」は if か when です。「試合は雨が降ったら中止だ」も英語では可能です。


まず名前をつけましょう。「ので」「とき」「たら」は接続助詞といいます。一方、because, when, if は接続詞といいます。




副詞句・副詞節の機能 名詞以外や文全体を修飾する



to不定詞 目的・結果・感情の原因・判断の理由・条件・形容詞修飾
ing形(分詞構文) 付帯状況・時・理由・譲歩
ed形(分詞構文) 付帯状況・時・理由・譲歩


in~way 方法 in~case 場合
in~fashion 方法 with~ease 容易さa
in~manner 方法 in~readiness 準備
to~extent 程度 on~scale 規模
to~degree 程度 on/under~condition 条件・状態
on~side with~ difficulty 困難さ
in~terms 関係・観点 on~occasion 出来事
for~reason 理由 in~order 順序
for~purpose 目的 in~sense 意味
by~means 手段 without~difficulty 容易さ


接続詞 接続詞の項参照
複合関係代名詞 whatever
no matter what
no matter which
no matter who(m)
no matter whose+名詞
複合関係形容詞 whatever+名詞
no matter what+名詞
no matter which+名詞
複合関係副詞 whenever
no matter when
no matter where
no matter how



  1. Chinese is difficult to learn.
  2. His wife was disappointed to know her husband couldn't get the promotion.
  3. He fixed the fishing rod and waited for hours in vain.
  4. We finished the job in the late afternoon.
  5. The bus left Shinjuku at 9 pm, arriving at Fukuoka at 10 next morning.
  6. Reading a book in a bus, he felt sick.
  7. He took out his glasses to look at them more clearly.
  8. He got to the station only to find the train was cancelled.
  9. How careless it is of her to make such a mistake!
  10. Prompted by the policeman, we had to put tire chains on the tires.
  11. We set up a camp at the foot of the mountain.
  12. They are wandering around with hotdogs in their hand.

ドリル2 (解答)


  1. She has a beautiful hair probably because she has a liking for sea weed.
  2. Mt. Iwate was seen so clearly that I took many of its photos.
  3. Let's go to the park though cold wind is blowing.
  4. The result was much more exciting than he had expected.
  5. They told me to sit down where the building was being constructed.
  6. Flower pots must not be left outside during the winter season in order that the plants may not freeze to death.
  7. When I shut the window I saw someone hiding behind the flower bed.
  8. Doing as you are told is the best way to solve this problem.
  9. If you take a notebook with you, I will write down things necessary for camping.

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