Basic Japanese

Fuji-yama by YAMASHITA Kiyoshi

Indicating Theme

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Part 1 Speaking of elephants, their trunks are long.

When you want to talk about an elephant, then you start with " -wa " and this indicates the beginning of a story about an elephant. In this case, " -wa " does not mean being a subject, but some topic you are going to talk about. The subject is usually described as " -ga ".

statement Japanese pronunciation
Speaking of elephants, their trunks are long. 象は鼻が長いです。 zoo wa hana ga naga-i desu
Concerning crows, thier color is black. カラスは色が黒いです。 karasu wa iro ga kuro-i desu
Taro is tall. 太郎さんは背が高いです。 taroo-san wa se ga taka-i desu
This hotel serves nice dishes. このホテルは料理がおいしいです。 kono hoteru wa ryoori ga oishi-i desu
Sachiko has a headache. 幸子さんは頭が痛いです。 sachiko-san wa atama ga ita-i desu

Note ; The first two examples show some general characteristics of an animal, plant, object etc. Similarly, someone's bodily traits or physical conditions can be expressed.

words; 鼻 hana = nose or trunk 背 se = the stature, height 料理 ryoori = dishes, meals おいしい oishi-i = tasty 頭 atama = someone's head 痛い ita-i = aching (adjective)

< the topic > wa < the subject > ga < i / na adjective >


Part 2 I like eels

"wa /ga " pattern can be applied to other forms of experession. When someone has a preference for something, end the sentence with " suki-desu". In this case, the topic and the subject coincide.

statement Japanese pronunciation
Sachiko likes sukiyaki. 幸子さんはすき焼きが好きです。 sachiko-san wa sukiyaki ga suki-desu
I like eels. 私はウナギが好きです。 watashi wa unagi ga suki-desu
Makoto likes tempura. 誠さんは天ぷらが好きです。 makoto-san wa tempura ga suki-desu
Do you like baseball? あなたは野球が好きですか。 anata wa yakyuu ga suki-desuka
I like succer, but not baseball. サッカーは好きですが、野球は好きではありません。 sakkaa wa suki-desu ga yakyuu wa suki-dewa-arimasen
What sports do you like ? --- I like tennis. どんなスポーツが好きですか。→テニスが好きです。 donna supootsu ga suki-desuka --- tenisu ga suki-desu
What Japanese-style dish do you like ? --- I like fishy repast. どんな日本料理が好きですか。→魚料理が好きです。 donna nihon-ryoori ga suki-desuka --- sakana-ryoori ga suki-desu

words ; 日本料理 nihon-ryoori = Japanese-style dish すし sushi = vinegard fish and rice すき焼き sukiyaki = hin slice of beef cooked in a heavy iron pan with various vegetables and tofu さしみ sashimi = sliced raw fish てんぷら tempura = Japanese deep-fried food うなぎ unagi = eel スポーツsupootsu = sports 野球 yakyuu = baseball サッカー sakkaa = soccer テニス tenisu = tennis ゴルフ goruhu = golf  水泳 suiei = swimming 魚料理 sakana-ryoori = fishy repast

Note; When you answer " donna " question, you can either say individual names or just add some adjective.

PATTERN (61/62/63)
< the subject > wa < the object > ga suki-desu
< the subject > wa < the object > ga suki-dewa-arimasen
donna < the object > ga suki-desuka


Advanced expressions Instead of " suki-desu ", there are many other useful forms using " wa / ga ".

statement Japanese pronunciation
I hate golf. 私はゴルフが嫌いです。 watashi wa goruhu ga kirai-desu
You swim well. あなたは水泳が上手です。 anata wa suiei ga jyoozu-desu
Masako plays a poor game of tennis 昌子さんはテニスが下手です。 masako-san wa tenisu ga heta-desu
Kim understands Japanese. キムさんは日本語がわかります。 kimu-san wa nihon-go ga wakar-imasu

Note; "kirai-desu" is much stronger than " suki-dewa-arimasen ".

words; 日本語 nihon-go = the Japanese language

PATTERN (64/65/66/67)
< the subject > wa < the object > ga kirai-desu
< the subject > wa < the object > ga joozu-desu
< the subject > wa < the object > ga heta-desu
< the subject > wa < the object > ga wakar-imasu


Part 3 I keep a dog as a pet

When someone posesses something that is hard to get, such as a house, a car, a diamond... (holidays and free time, which are really difficult to enjyoi in Japan ! ), then you can use a special type of expression. But when you talk about your family, friends and pets, there is another way of saying. In this case, the topic and the subject do not always coincide.

statement Japanese pronunciation
Kim has a piano. キムさんはピアノがあります。 kimu-san wa piano ga ar-imasu
I have a car. 私は車があります。 watashi wa kuruma ga ar-imasu
Masao takes a month off during the summer. 政夫さんは1ヶ月の夏休みがあります。 masao-san wa ikka-getu no natu-yasumi ga ar-imasu
I keep a dog as a pet 私は犬がいます。 watashi wa inu ga i-masu
Sachiko has three brothers. 幸子さんは三人の兄弟がいます。 sachiko-san wa sannin no kyoodai ga i-masu

Note : When you have something small and easy to get, such as a camera, a wrist watch, stationery, then you say " < a possession > wo mot-t-eimasu " as described later

PATTERN (68/69)
< the subject > wa < a possession > ga ari-masu
< the subject > wa < people or animals > ga i-masu

Note : When you talk about your family, " ari-masu " is often used. ex.幸子さんは三人の兄弟があります。sachiko-san wa sannin no kyoodai ga ari-masu


Part 4 I want a camera

Another example of " " pattern is for the purpose of expressing whatever you want or whatever you want to have.

statement Japanese pronunciation
I want a piano. 私はピアノがほしいです。 watashi wa piano ga hoshii-desu
I want a digital still camera. デジタル・カメラが欲しいです。 dejitaru-kamera ga hoshii-desu
Do you want a car ? あなたは車がほしいですか。 anata wa kuruma ga hoshi-i-desuka
No, I don't. ほしくありません。 hoshi-ku-arimasen

Note : This pattern cannot be used when the subject is the third person. ( he, she, Tooru, Masako etc.) When you talk about the third person, there is a pattern, " ... wa ... o hoshi-gatte-imasu ". ex. 花子さんは車をほしがっています。Hanako-san wa kuruma o hoshi-gatte-imasu as described later

Note : As for the negative form of " hoshi-i-desu ", see adjective Part Three

< first or second peron > wa < the object > ga hoshii-desu


Part 5 I want to buy a camera

While "私は恋人( = a sweetheart )がほしいです watashi wa koibito ga hoshii-desu " can be accepted, "私は結婚( = marriage )がほしいです watashih wa kekkonn ga hoshii-desu " is not correct.

Why ? In Japanese, " kekkon " is not what you can get, that is, it is not the direct object of " hoshii-desu ". There is a verb " kekkon-suru ", and this makes a new pattern.

statement Japanese pronunciation
I want to get married. 私は結婚したいです。 watashi wa kekkon-shi-tai-desu
I want to buy a digital still camera. デジタル・カメラを買いたいです。 dejitaru-kamera o kai-tai-desu
Do you want to drive this car ? あなたはこの車に乗りたいですか。 anata wa kono kuruma ni nori-tai-desuka
No, I don't. 乗りたくありません。




Note; how to make " tai-desu "; nori-masu minus -masu and simply add " tai-desu "

Exercises; hataraki-masu →hataraki-tai-desu / hataraki-ta-ku-arimasen benkyoushi-masu →benkyoushi-tai-desu / benkyoushi-ta-ku-arimasen tabe-masu → tabe-tai-desu / tabe-ta-ku-arimasen yomi-masu → yomi-tai-desu / yomi-ta-ku-arimasen iki-masu → iki-tai-desu / iki-ta-ku-arimasen

< first or second person > wa < a verb minus "masu" > tai-desu



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