
助 動 詞

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助動詞の機能 主語と動詞の間にあって仮定、意志、想像 時制などを表す


助動詞の現在形+原形(現在・未来について) 助動詞の現在形+have Ved(完了・過去について)
助動詞の過去形+原形(仮定法過去) 助動詞の過去形+have Ved(仮定法過去完了)

現在・過去の変化をしない助動詞 = should, ought to, used to, must

have Ved の形を取らない助動詞 = used to, dare

仮定法に使われる助動詞 = would, could, might ( should はまれ)


can may will should ought to need must
能力 許可 意志未来 義務 義務 必要 強制
可能性 推量 単純未来 必然 必然 断定(肯定)
used to have to dare(to) would shall
過去の習慣 強制 勇気 意志 まれにwillの代わり(英式)
過去の習慣 勧誘・意向(成句)


進行形 be + ing形 動作動詞の一時的状態を表す
受動態 be + ed形 他動詞や自動詞+前置詞の目的語を主語にする
be to不定詞 be + to不定詞 予定、義務、可能、意図、運命などを表す

助動詞としての have動詞

現在完了形 have + ed形 現在を起点とした動作や状態を示す
過去完了形 had + ed形 過去を起点とした動作や状態を示す
未来完了形 will have + ed形 未来を起点とした動作や状態を示す
完了不定詞 to have + ed形 本動詞より前の動作や状態を示す
完了現在分詞 having + ed形 本動詞より前の動作や状態を示す
完了動名詞 having + ed形 本動詞より前の動作や状態を示す
義務 have + to不定詞 mustの代わり

ドリル1 (解答)


  1. She has washed all the dishes.
  2. I always walk to school when it is fine.
  3. We belong to the tennis club.
  4. Look! She is washing his clothes.
  5. They have been working for the company since 1970.
  6. We see many children playing in the park.
  7. Tom and George have known each other for ten years.
  8. I have once had a terrible traffic accident.
  9. They have been rivals since they graduated.
  10. The child brushes every morning and night.
  11. It has been snowing for as long as 10 hours.
  12. The man is now changing the tyres.
  13. Have you ever seen pandas in the zoo?
  14. They have just finished all their assignments.

ドリル2 (解答)


  1. You will have to deal with a lot of problems when you are married.
  2. Someone rang the doorbell when I was playing the piano.
  3. Having been in India for four months, she speaks a little Hindu.
  4. He seems to have understood what she was talking about.
  5. King George was said to have got married three times.
  6. I had to wait till all our members had arrived.
  7. In September he will have taken the examination three times.
  8. By next April I will have become a college student.
  9. Having read the letter, she wept all night.
  10. We will call on him when he has returned to his village.
  11. They are proud of having been instructed by the professor.
  12. You will see a lot of curios when you visit the shop.
  13. He arrrived at the station when the train had just pulled out.
  14. She recalled having spent the summer on the beach.
  15. They will leave the town as soon as they have finished selling all the fish.
  16. The accident occurred when she was driving the car.

ドリル3 (解答)


  1. I would help him if he were here.
  2. I will play tennis, if it is fine tomorrow.
  3. If I were a pianist, I would have joined his group..
  4. They are to leave here at three.
  5. If you had telephoned me beforehand, I would have prepared all these things.
  6. She may have been very angry when you said so.
  7. Hard times could come.
  8. If I had taken his advice, I would not have met with the accident.
  9. If they had been born after the war, they would be living here..
  10. I should have arrived here ten minutes earlier.
  11. Even if you don't like George, you will have to speak to him..
  12. You are to do all the assignment by tomorrow.

ドリル4 (解答)


  1. How can you do such a thing?
  2. He must do the job at once.
  3. They must have been rich enough to buy the painting.
  4. You may sit anywhere.
  5. That man cannot be a doctor.
  6. The winter this year may be very cold.
  7. Nobody can learn so many things at a time.
  8. Mary may have arrived there by now.
  9. He must have quitted the job.
  10. Can it be true?
  11. Must I finish the assignment in two hours?
  12. May I smoke here?

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