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形容詞句・形容詞節の機能 名詞を限定する

形容詞句の分類 うしろから限定する。前から限定する場合は通常 ing形、ed形は決まり文句としての扱い


to不定詞 主格・目的格・前置詞の目的格・同格
ing 形 主格のみ 進行タイプ・状態タイプ
ed 形 主格のみ 受動タイプ・完了タイプ


形容詞+to不定詞 anxious to, eager to, sure to, likely to, unlikely to, afraid to,
形容詞+前置詞 anxious about, sure of, afraid of
形容詞+that節 anxious that, sure that, afraid that


of +名詞 うしろの名詞で前の名詞を修飾する X of Y 「 Y の X 」同格・単位・所有格関係・主格関係・目的格関係・形容詞句を作る of use, of importance, of consequence, of significance, of ability
of以外+名詞 場所・時間などを表す in the room, on the roof, at night, on Monday, in June
(特定の名詞のあとの)前置詞+名詞 reason for~, attitude towards~, key to~, advantage over~, argument for~/against~, condition for~/of~, effect on~/upon~, fact of~, guarantee of~, impression on~/of~, order for~/of~, question about~, realization of~, sign of~, anxiety for~/about~, belief in~, confidence in~, feeling of~/for~, idea of~, knowledge of~, opinion of~/about~, point of~ readiness for~/of~, relationship between~/with~/to~, sense of~, distinction between~,

形容詞節の分類 うしろから限定する。


A girl dances in the room every day. → a girl who dances in the room every day.→ I know a girl who dances in the room every day. → I know a girl, who dances in the room every day.

このような例文の変形を見ると、(1)の見地からすると、who dances in the room every day の部分が前にある名詞(先行詞)を後ろから修飾していると見ることができる。一方、(2)の見地からすると、She dances in the room every day. の文のうち、she が who に置き換わったことにより、I know a girl. という文と、a girl = she = who という関係に基づき結合されたとみることができる。日本の中学校における関係代名詞の導入は主として(2)の考えに基づくものと思われる。さらに、関係詞の前にコンマをおかなければ(1)に、コンマをおけば(2)に考えに近づく。

主格 目的格 所有格 前置詞と目的格 格なし
関係代名詞 which who(m) whose 前置詞+which


関係形容詞 which+名詞 which+名詞
関係副詞 where / when / why / how
接続詞 that that that


次の文で名詞を修飾していると思われる ing 形、 ed 形、to 不定詞、前置詞で始まりそれが終わるまでの部分をカッコで囲みなさい

  1. She has too many books to read.
  2. Throw away the machine making terrible noises.
  3. He has a wish to live in the country.
  4. I need someone to make him study.
  5. The place of his arrival has not been decided yet.
  6. The philosopher knowing the great truth of life is this professor.
  7. A house to live in must be found.
  8. The dwellers in this area all commute to Tokyo.
  9. Is the language spoken in Australia English?
  10. The leaves fallen on the ground turned brown.


次の文で名詞を修飾していると思われる that, wh-, how で始まり、それが終わるところまでカッコで囲みなさい

  1. The war broke out in the period when many powerful weapons were invented.
  2. The bus on which we got was the wrong one.
  3. The time ( which ) we have spent fixing TV was more than two hours.
  4. Do you know the reason why she quitted?
  5. The man who invented a floppy disk must be great.
  6. The storyteller whose narrative was very realistic was Mr.Attica.
  7. I don't like the woman whom you met the other day.
  8. The bridge whose founder I don't know is very famous.
  9. We must find the store where you did the shopping.


次の語句の of のうち、似た働きと思われるものを2つづつ6組選び出せ

  1. the grim howling of the wolves
  2. at the age of roaring fourteen
  3. an instrument of no use
  4. the leg of a desk
  5. the sudden attack of their enemies
  6. his only a little understanding of Japanese politics
  7. my full realization of his innocence
  8. the people of California
  9. a woman of great ability
  10. the City of Los Angeles
  11. a cup of coffee
  12. three bits of information


次の文の which / as / than の先行詞を考えよ

  1. She didn't write me a letter, which made me sad.
  2. The government rejected the offer, which fact cast dark shadow on international relations.
  3. I bought apples, most of which were not ripe enough.
  4. At last we bought a house, the garden of which was large and bushy.
  5. He was a foreigner, as I knew from his accent.
  6. He has more money than he can spend.

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