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接続詞・wh-/how 形については、まず品詞の区別と、これらの語によって何の節が作られるかの2点を明らかにする必要があります。


  • what whatever ( no matter what )
  • which whichever ( no matter which )
  • who whoever (no matter who)
  • whom whomever (no matter whom )
  • whose whosever ( no matter whose )
  • where wherever ( no matter where )
  • when whenever ( no matter when )
  • how however ( no matter how )
  • why
  • that
  • if
  • whether


(1)代名詞 what which who(m)

代名詞とは主語(主格)または目的語(目的語)またはbe動詞の補語かいずれかの働きをするものを言います。what, whichについてはそれだけ見ても分かりませんが、who, whomについては文語的な文についてのみ、区別があります。

主格はうしろに動詞がついていればわかります。what makes me happy / which is better / who teaches me English

目的格はうしろが他動詞が終わっている場合 what he has / which you like / whom she hates

さらに目的格はうしろが前置詞で終わっている場合 what you are interested in / which you chose / whom you are taking care of

補語はうしろがbe動詞で終わっている場合 what they are / which is mine / who you are

(2)形容詞 what which 所有格 whose

形容詞とはうしろに名詞がついているものを言います。その名詞は主語でも目的語でも構いません。 what book she wants to read / what book belongs to you / which way they took / which answer is correct 感嘆的内容が what によって作られる場合もあります。what a lovely flower this is(!)

所有格は形容詞と同じくうしろに名詞がつきますが、所有・被所有関係にあることが特徴です。その名詞は主語でも目的語でも構いません。但し whose だけのものもあります。whose book you are reading / whose father is a doctor / whose bag that is

(3)副詞 when where why how

副詞 when where why は主語にも目的語にも補語にもなることはありませんからうしろには完全な文が来ます。 where your book is / when the train leaves / why you don't like it

副詞 how は文中に形容詞か副詞があるときは,それらを原則的にその直後に引きつけて、疑問・感嘆的内容をあらわします。how happy they look

(4)接続詞のうち that whether if も副詞と同じくうしろには完全な文が来ます。that you told me the truth / whether it is fine or cloudy / if the game is canceled



「?」のついたものがすべて疑問文になり、それぞれ疑問代名詞、疑問形容詞(所有格を含む)、疑問副詞の名で呼ばれます。「倒置」しなければなりません。What does he have? / Which do you like? / Whom does she hate? / Which do you like? / What are you interested in? / Which did you choose? / Whom are you taking care of? / What are they? / Who are you? / What book does she want to read? / Which way did they take? / What a lovely flower this is! / Whose book are you reading? / Whose bag is that? / Where is your book? / When does the train leave? / Why don't you like it? / How happy do they look?

ただし、疑問代名詞が「主格」、疑問形容詞(所有格を含む)につく名詞が「主語」である時は倒置しません。What makes me happy? / Which is better? / Who teaches me English? / What book belongs to you? / Which is mine? / Which answer is correct? / Whose father is a doctor?

また、what /how については感嘆文もあり、!がつきます。How happy they look! / What a lovely flower this is!


疑問文・感嘆文が「主」動詞の主語・目的語・前置詞の目的語・be動詞の補語になった場合を言います。すべての名詞節においては倒置しないのが原則です。(口語体ではその限りではない)Where he wants to go is a mystery. / They asked me where he wanted to go. / They talked about where he wanted to go. / The question is where he wants to go.

what / which / who (whose / whom) についてはうしろに ever を付けることができます。そうすると疑問文の性質が失われて、それぞれ、 anything (何でも)any of the things (どれでも), anyone (だれでも)の意味が生じます。I will give him whatever he wants. / I will give him whichever he wants. / I will give it to whoever wants it.

what にはさらにすっかり疑問文の性質を失い、a thing / things / something の意味を持つ場合もあります。What he had was only a sheet of paper. / We must examine what he has in his pockets./ He is different from what he was.

whether / if / that も名詞節になります。まず whether は「二者選択」に使います。Whether you will succeed or not depends on your luck. つぎに if も「二者選択」ですが、他動詞の目的語の場合だけです。 I asked her if she wanted to go.さらに that は「事実」( the fact that )をあらわします。I think that the problem is serious.


which / who (whose / whom ) / that については前にそれぞれの代名詞が該当している名詞(先行詞と呼ぶ)を置くことができます。疑問詞の性質は完全に失われ、先行詞を含む文と、この4つの語を含む文とを接続詞のように結びつけるので、関係代名詞と呼ばれます。an animal which is large / a girl whom we know / a girl whose father we know

when / where / why / that については前にそれぞれの代名詞が該当している名詞(先行詞と呼ぶ)を置くことができます。疑問詞の性質は完全に失われ、先行詞を含む文と、この4つの語を含む文とを接続詞のように結びつけるので、関係副詞と呼ばれます。the year when( that ) she was born / the place where now he is living / the reason why I didn't attend the meeting



when / where については完全に疑問詞ではなくなり、それぞれ「時」「場所」をあらわす接続詞となります。When it comes to playing tennis, no one can match him. / Put it back where you first found it.

すべての疑問代名詞・疑問副詞のあとに -ever を付けるとそれぞれの特徴に応じた、「譲歩」をあらわす接続詞代わりとなります。Whatever happens, don't lose your temper.

同じくすべての疑問代名詞・疑問副詞の前に no matter を付けるとそれぞれの特徴に応じた、「譲歩」をあらわす接続詞代わりとなります。No matter what happens, don't lose your temper.

whether は「譲歩」、 if は「条件」、Whether it is fine or not, we will play the game. / If you'd like it, we will offer it to you.これに対し、that は他の語との結びつきにより、「目的」「結果」「原因・理由」をあらわします。Step aside (so) that they can pass. / I was so tired that I could hardly keep awake. / He left a small fortune, so that the rest of the family could go on living. / I am surprised that he has been very ill.

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