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基礎からの積み上げ 1<名詞> 2<形容詞> 3<副詞>

4<動詞> 5<助動詞> 6<前置詞>

<接続詞> 8<動詞句> 9<名詞句・節> 

10<形容詞句・節> 11<副詞句・節>

12 前置詞(3種類) 13 to不定詞(5種類)

14 動詞のing形(6種類) 15 動詞のed形(5種類)

16 接続詞/wh-/how語族(3種類) 

 17 省略・共通構造・倒置・書き換え・同格


  1. That flower
  2. The name of the rose
  3. People in the village
  4. People living in the country
  5. To speak to her
  6. Studying too long
  7. That he was married
  8. people

ドリル2解答 1-6(主語として) 4-5(他動詞の目的語として) 2-7(前置詞の目的語として)3-6(主格補語として)


  1. will be used
  2. has been tortured
  3. must have taken
  4. tends to get
  5. began moving
  6. was kept tied


  • 1ー9(通常の限定) 
  • 2ー3(限定を使った強調) 
  • 4ー5(現在分詞による形容詞限定) 
  • 6ー10(関係詞による限定) 
  • 7ー8(関係詞による非限定用法) 
  • 11ー12(二重限定)


  1. a my friend を a friend of mine に
  2. His these socks を these socks of his に
  3. Neither they を Neither of them に
  4. Many of students を Many of the students に
  5. The all nations を All the nations に
  6. First runner を The first runner に
  7. such any thing を any such thing に
  8. all what money を what money か all the money に
  9. other man を another man に
  10. other some tickets を some other tickets に

1<名詞> chap.1

ドリル解答 1/4/5/8/10

2<形容詞> chap.2


  1. disappointing ( be動詞の補語)
  2. mad ( go の補語)
  3. exciting ( game の補語)
  4. scientific ( research への限定)
  5. present (関係詞節 who were present の代わり)
  6. full of difficulties (関係詞節 which was full of difficulties の代わり)
  7. to be done (不定詞の形容詞的用法)
  8. playing baseball (現在分詞の形容詞的用法)
  9. hit by a lightning (過去分詞の形容詞的用法)
  10. in the village (前置詞+名詞による形容詞的用法)
  11. whose research is very imortant (関係詞節)


  • 1ー6(形容詞+前置詞) 
  • 2ー8(形容詞+that節) 
  • 5ー7(形容詞+to不定詞)
  • 3-4(形容詞+wh-/how節)

3<副詞> chap.3


  1. Fortunately (文修飾)
  2. indefinitely (動詞に係る)
  3. indeed (文修飾)
  4. that ( so の代わり)
  5. Where (疑問副詞)


  1. to improve your pronunciation (不定詞の副詞的用法)
  2. with the use of fire (前置詞+名詞の副詞的用法)
  3. Compared with her brother (過去分詞の副詞的用法ー分詞構文)
  4. Worrying about the result (現在分詞の副詞的用法ー分詞構文)
  5. Since she was worrying about the result (接続詞による副詞節)
  6. No matter where you may live ( wh-/how による副詞節)

ドリル3解答 1/3/4/5/7

4<動詞> chap.4


  • A 1-4(第3文型) 
  • A 2-3(第1文型) 
  • B 1-3(第3文型) 
  • B 2-4(第2文型) 
  • C 1-3(第4文型) 
  • C 2-4(第5文型)


  • 1-5(原形不定詞) 
  • 2-9(過去分詞) 
  • 7-10(形容詞) 
  • 4-11( to不定詞) 
  • 6-12(名詞) 
  • 3-8(現在分詞)

5<助動詞> chap.5


  • 1-14(現在完了形ー結果・完了) 
  • 2-10(現在形ー動作動詞の習慣) 
  • 3-6(現在形ー状態動詞の継続) 
  • 4-12(現在進行形ー動作動詞の一時的状態) 
  • 5-11(現在完了進行形ー継続) 
  • 7-9(現在完了形ー継続) 
  • 8-13(現在完了ー経験)


  • 1-12(現在形ー時の副詞節中の未来形の代わり) 
  • 10-15(現在完了形ー時の副詞節中の未来完了形の代わり) 
  • 2-16(過去進行形ー過去形と同時を示す) 
  • 6-13(過去完了形ー過去形より以前を示す)
  • 7-8(未来完了形ー未来のある時点における完了を示す)
  • 3-9(現在分詞の完了形) 
  • 4-5(不定詞の完了形) 
  • 11-14(動名詞の完了形) 


  • 2-11(条件文)
  • 1-7(仮定法・過去) 
  • 5-8(仮定法・過去完了) 
  • 3-9(仮定法・混合タイプ)
  • 4-12( be to不定詞) 
  • 6-10(助動詞+完了形)


  • 1-7(能力) 
  • 2-11(義務) 
  • 3-9(過去についての可能性・肯定) 
  • 4-12(許可) 
  • 5-10(可能性・否定と疑問) 
  • 6-9(推量)

6<前置詞> chap.6


  1. at/on/in
  2. in
  3. on
  4. at/in
  5. into/out
  6. on
  7. on
  8. on
  9. of
  10. of
  11. of
  12. by
  13. until または till
  14. from/to
  15. off

<接続詞> chap.7

ドリル1解答 1/4/6/8/9/12/14/16

<動詞句> chap.8


  • 1-5-6 
  • 2-8-13 
  • 3-4-15 
  • 7-12-14 
  • 9-10-11

9<名詞句・節> chap.9


  1. seeing her
  2. To know the expense of the trip
  3. to have your hair trimmed
  4. making something by hand
  5. making notice in advance
  6. to take our girlfriend with you
  7. memorizing
  8. to study in the United States someday
  9. to cut grass before winter
  10. Listening to his story
  11. running after celebrities
  12. falling in love with you
  13. visiting Europe
  14. to carry them out


  1. if I can get to the station in ten minutes
  2. whether he could be enrolled or not
  3. that an earthquake will occur in the near future
  4. that he borrowed too much money from them
  5. that he lived to be ninety
  6. What I am going to tell you
  7. what they view this unclean way
  8. what was once considered a vacant lot in this town


  1. His story of strange countries and peoples, and of the wealth and greatness of other lands
  2. the end of all the fighting
  3. a sensible but plain-looking wife
  4. the charge of murder
  5. One of the common sources of fighting among children
  6. The similarity of the coloring of the animals to that of the ground

10<形容詞句・節> chap.10


  1. to read.
  2. making terrible noises
  3. to live in the country
  4. to make him study
  5. of his arrival
  6. knowing the great truth of life
  7. to live in
  8. in this area
  9. spoken in Australia
  10. fallen on the ground


  1. when many powerful weapons were invented.
  2. on which we got
  3. ( which ) we have spent fixing TV
  4. why she quitted?
  5. who invented a floppy disk
  6. whose narrative was very realistic
  7. whom you met the other day
  8. whose founder I don't know
  9. where you did the shopping

ドリル3解答 1:5 2:10 3:9 4:8 6:7 11:12


  1. 前文の内容・代名詞 that で表現可能 
  2. 前文の内容 形容詞 that (fact) で表現可能 
  3. (the) apples
  4. (the) house
  5. 主節(彼が外国人であるということ)
  6. money

11<副詞句・節>  chap.11


  1. to learn
  2. to know her husband couldn't get the promotion
  3. for hours と in vain
  4. in the late afternoon.
  5. at 9 pm, と arriving at Fukuoka at 10 next morning
  6. Reading a book in a bus
  7. to look at them more clearly
  8. only to find the train was cancelled
  9. to make such a mistake
  10. Prompted by the policeman
  11. at the foot of the mountain
  12. with hotdogs in their hand


  1. probably because she has a liking for sea weed.
  2. that I took many of its photos.
  3. though cold wind is blowing.
  4. than he had expected.
  5. where the building was being constructed.
  6. in order that the plants may not freeze to death.
  7. When I shut the window
  8. as you are told
  9. If you take a notebook with you

12 前置詞(3種類) chap.12

ドリル解答 形容詞句 1:2:9:12 副詞句 4:5:8:10 動詞句 3:6:7:11

13 to不定詞(5種類) chap.13

ドリル1解答 1:8 2:9 3:6 4:10 5:7  

ドリル2解答 1:8 2:13 3:6 4:9 5:11 7:12 10:14

14 動詞のing形(6種類) chap.14


  • 1-11(進行形)
  • 2-8(形容詞的用法)
  • 3-6(第5文型の補語)
  • 4-5(動名詞)
  • 10-12(副詞的用法)
  • 7-9(用途の動名詞)

15 動詞のed形(5種類) chap.15


  • 1-10(完了時制)
  • 3-9(受動態)
  • 4-6(形容詞的用法)
  • 2-7(第5文型の補語)
  • 5-8(副詞的用法)

16 接続詞/wh-/how語族(3種類) chap.16


  • 副詞節 6*10*12*14 
  • 名詞節 1*3*5*7*8*9*11*15*16 
  • 形容詞節 2*4*13


  • 副詞節 1*7*9*11*12 
  • 名詞節 3*5*6*8 
  • 形容詞節 2*4*10


  • 副詞節 9*11*12*13 
  • 名詞節 1*2*3*5*6*7*8 
  • 形容詞節 4*10


  • 副詞節 3*5 
  • 名詞節 1*6 
  • 等位接続詞 2*4


  • 副詞節 2*3*5*6*8*12 
  • 名詞節 9*4 
  • 形容詞節 1*7*10*11


  • 副詞節 2*4 
  • 名詞節 1*3

17 省略・共通構造・倒置・書き換え・同格 chap.17


  1. 1 the king, the queen
  2. attractive, witted
  3. He, his brother
  4. adopted, took good care of
  5. clearly, slowly
  6. will do, can do
  7. be seen, be heard
  8. of apples, of various kinds of vegetables
  9. looking for, looking into
  10. which they..., which I....


  1. whom
  2. that
  3. who
  4. that
  5. that
  6. うしろの umbrella
  7. うしろの write to her
  8. うしろの taken his advice
  9. she was
  10. it is と protected


  1. He did take the wallet
  2. It was Mary who went there to take care of him.
  3. It was these secrets that I wanted to know.
  4. She said it was in the following day that she would see him.
  5. It was when they dived in the Palau that they met the accident.
  6. Yes, that is the very camera that I left in the train.
  7. He himself should go there.
  8. Who knows it?
  9. Who doesn't know it?


  1. Will the cure for cancer be possible if enough money is supplied?
  2. Can the grand panorama of Hong Kong be seen from the top of Mt.Victoria?
  3. Should the discovery of America have been made earlier?
  4. Does smoking in a small room do much harm to your roommate?
  5. Never have they seen such a large statue.
  6. Only when I feel very hungry do I have lunch.
  7. "So would I."
  8. She doesn't like to watch TV , nor does she want to go to the movies.
  9. May the celebration be a success!
  10. Should I go with her, I will take her to the acquarium.
  11. Beautiful was the valley we stayed for 10 days in spite of the rain.
  12. In the dark cave of ancient dwellers which was found 10 years ago was the old man.
  13. That particular piece of information we need.
  14. "I can't remember where I put the file." said Mary.


  1. the kind of England
  2. that I would...
  3. one of our friends
  4. to get...
  5. whether we...
  6. students
  7. a science of animals
  8. of her...
  9. a kind act


  1. I believe
  2. they think
  3. did he think
  4. admittedly
  5. after all
  6. frankly speaking
  7. when evening came
  8. which was true と at first
  9. what made matters worse


  1. carefully
  2. often と rarely
  3. always
  4. for the moment
  5. for the most part
  6. only
  7. just
  8. gladly
  9. solely
  10. long since

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