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全 7 編
  1. 君には失望させられた、バイデン君 + You Disappointed Us, Mr.Biden
  2. はじめまして、バイデン君
  3. さよなら、トランプ君
  4. 日本学術会議のゆくえ + The Whereabouts of Science Council of Japan
  5. 中国の未来 + The Future of China
  6. コロナ以後の飛行機旅行 + Airline Services after the Pandemic
  7. コロナウィルス流行から人類は何を学ぶか? + What Should We Learn from Coronavirus Pandemic?

君には失望させられた、バイデン君  2021/05/18You Disappointed Us, Mr.Biden









You disappointed us, Mr.Biden.

It is more than 100 days since Mr.Biden became President of the Unite States. He overturned almost all the political achievements of Mr.Trump and proclaimed international cooperation, and his reputation seems to be highly praised among European countries. Also expection is high among economic and political refugees from Latin America because he appears to show willingness to open the door to immigrants, quite contrary to Mr.Trump's xenophobic exclusion of them.

He may not be able to solve all the serious problems originated in Trump era, but some kind of hope is to be seen. Dialogue with Iran has already started and, though the solution has not yet been seen, exchange of opinions between the delegates seems to be in progress. As for strategy for dealing with China, which hasn't changed since the Trump era, is in preparation for cooperation with European countries and security arrangement with India and Japan.

Violence has now erupted between Israel and Palestine because of Israel's firm stance. The state of Israel was originally founded after World War Two, and the country was rapidly built under the equivocation of Britain, helped with the compassion for Jews after the genocide by Nazis. It was a rebuilding of a country destroyed thousands of years ago. But there used to live the people of Palestinians. Britain, which at that time brokered the formation of the country, guaranteed independence to both Jews and Palesines with irresponsible promises. But, as a result, the two peoples were destined to live in the same land, and Israel expelled Palestinians with military aid of American and European countries.

There are countless examples of one country was destroyed and the other came to live there. But it is decidedly impermissible to return to that place and forcefully expel the people already living there. But to this day Israel has won numerous wars in the Middle East time and again, robbed the lands and occupied them, and have interminably tried expanding their territory, sending their emmigrants to the settlements. What they had been done by Nazis 80 years before they are just doing to the weaker people.

The violence this time is one of them. And their military force is supplied with the US. If the US stops aiding it militarily, Israel will deteriorate in no time, but there is a strong pressure group of American Jews in the central power structure of Democratic party. Without their election cooperation, Biden could never have won over Trump. Biden, heavily indebted to them, cannot do but comply with their demands.

If American Jews deserted the Democratic party, the Biden administration would be quickly broken into pieces and replaced by the Republicans. We must not forget Biden won by the slim mergin against Trump in the presidential election. But however obliged Biden is to the Jews, he must not pretend not to be interested in the inhuman condition of the suffering of Palestines.The US, the only country in the UN that hasn't blamed Israel so far, is a favorite target of name-calling by China and Russia, who are always being blamed for their hegemonism in the international opinion.

It is true that Biden's blaming China and Russia for their inhumane manner may have popularity among world citizens, but now it is apparent that he is acting with double standards, just as Britain did. Now more and more people are disappointed by Biden. The American imperialism is hard to die. In retrospect, it is clear that he is as the same as the other Presidents, who tend to act arrogantly, such as trying to overturn South American governments, eternally continuing bogged down Vietnam War and committing military intervention into Iraq and Afganistan only to unstablize.


はじめましてバイデン君  2021/01/29







政策は、言うまでもなくトランプ政権の逆を行くことになろう。とはいってもそれはバイデン独自の政策ではなく、オバマ政権の流れを引き継ぐことと、Back to the Normal 、つまり平凡な民主主義体制に戻るだけでいい。あるいは、EU諸国のような方向を目指すといってもいい。








さよならトランプ君 2020/12/21















日本学術会議のゆくえ 2020/10/15The Whereabouts of Science Council of Japan








The Whereabouts of Science Council of Japan

Science Council of Japan was the first object of attack by Suga administration. The choice of the members, which had been appointed informally by the Prime Minister, was suddenly vetoed, leaving out six members. Politics are activated by power relations, and it is not unusual that those in powers dare to do so in order to measure their strength or to ensure it.

This time, Suga administration contemplate to get rid of "obstacles" for the purpose of realizing "constitutional amendments" succeeded from Abe administration. Socience Council of Japan consistes of scholars, and most of them lack in political strife expericences nor volition. And they don't like to claim anything other than their field of speciality. That is why the government at an early stage eliminate those who have much experience in political conflict and are likely to oppose its policies.

This is where we are reminded of many examples in which many proposals initiated by French government are overturned by the opposition. As the saying goes, "In the Unites States the people are afraid of their government, but in France the government is afraid of the people." This is charactaristic of France, where its history went ahead by toppling regimes.

The lesson from here is that if you yield to those in power even a small step, you are defeated. Japan is a country with centralization of power and its regions and private secters are financially dependent upon the central government, so they can hardly resist it, just as a female prostitute cannot escape from brothel because of an advance.

If the Council didn't show their protest strongly to the refusal of accepting the six candidates, they will have to face the more arrogant power and be on the defensive. The power knows the absence of the scholars' solidarity is, and therefore will take the stance as strongly as they want.

If the Council really want to oppose the government, they had better return their appointment in a body. The government would lose their face if all the members of the Council diappear, and the power would be upset and be a humiliated loser. But the appointed members will not act like that, because what is most important for them is "not to lose their position".


中国の未来 2020/07/12The Future of China

































現在の北京政府は、共産党体制ではないし、資本主義体制でもない。今ではすっかりかつてのナチス・ドイツの巨大な模倣体制となってしまった。しかし、ナチスのような体制を人類史上長期にわたって継続していくことは不可能に近い。秦の始皇帝の時代から中国は権力闘争で明け暮れてきた。現政権はその維持に必死であるが、一方ではこの政権を何とかつぶそうと考えているグループも存在する。それらのグループの存在と、新張ウィグル、チベット、香港の独立志向グループが結びついた時、それが現北京政府を転覆させる大きな原動力となりうるのではないだろうか。いずれにせよ、「東洋のナチス」ともいえる現体制がこれ以上継続してしまっては中国の未来どころか、人類の未来もないのだ。 最善の解決策はEUのように小さな国のゆるい連合体を作ることである。


The Future of China

The future of China has very much to do with that of human beings. Of the 8 billion in the world, the population of China is getting closer to 1.4 billion. No one can turn away their eyes from the fact. It is not to say that we should see China as just a prospective market, but that we should pay more attention to the influences China exerts on the world environment, education, culture, and political system, especially on democratic system.

But due to the almost complete destruction of "One country, Two systems" in Hong Kong, time has come to shed new light on China. That is, at this point of emerging as a super country and having authoritarian characteristics, we have to search for its way to the future, reviewing its long history.

As to the stability and persistence of the present Beijing government, it is difficult to conceive it concretely due to the lack of transparancy of the country, but it seems that many factors suggesting domestic unstable situations dating from the revolution, such as the covid-19 infection, the unpredictable food policy, putting brakes on social changes, large scale destruction of nature and voilent movements by discontented groups.

It is not the first time that the Chinese governmental system has become authoritarian, and this has been repeated over and over since the age of Shin dynasty. This is because the unstable domestic conditon has threatened the system of the country all the time, and thus reinforced the control system. As a result no convicing legal system has been existed, and the country was governed with arbitary orders of the administrators.

The direction of the present Beijing government has the same characteristics, thus there is no room for developing democratic systems and they are always trying to inhibit anti-power with no prospect at hand. The organizations for violence is ordinary police system and they are backed by People's Liberation Army. This group seems to be supporting the present administrators and they are thought to sustain the system.

The watertight "forced integration" of Hong Kong has been completed while the whole world is panicking about Covis-19. The democratic system of Hong Kong came to a halt this year, 2020. And like any other Chinese cities, thought repression and strict regulation of anti-government speech and behavior came into everyday life.

Just as Gustabo of Nazis and Tokko of Japan had done, the history repeats itself. It is not exaggeration to say that the direction of China has been made permanent. The main policy of the Chinese government has covered the whole nation. As long as anti-government movement and strikes are kept in check in small areas, the present system will be maintained as ever.

The greatest difference from Chinese governments of the past is the rapid development of people surveillance technologies. As already well known in the situation in Shinchan Uigre, where ultimately every room of the home will be throuroughly and closely watched, this political structure has reached the irreversible level, some argue.

Those in power in this era have not only similarities with those of the past. But the level of political consciousness of the people controled by them is also unchanging. Political movements by excellent leaders, such as Shingai Revolution broke out several times, but most of the people of this country (seem to) have nothing to do with them. Some people were politically awaken by the Japanese invasion in the 1940s, but today, the lure of economic prosperitity is far more attractive to them than political liberty, and most people are spoiled by it.

We must also look at the fact that China is a multi-ethnic country. In the case of Hong Kong, which used to belong to Britain and had enjoyed a special status, political awareness can be seen there, which is unlike in the mainland China, though both of them consist of Han tribe. In the case of Shinchan Uigre and Tibet, they belong to entirely different ethnic groups. Immigration of Hun people into these countries is causing a large cultural conflict, but these areas are strongly pressured by the Chinese army.

In this way the Beijing government is being overshadowed by precarious situation under the danger of the destruction of the state due to both ethnic and political problem. This necessarily forces the Beijing government to resort to authoritarian rule.

They also cause many diplomatic problems. One of them is the expansion of Chinese military power. The most typical example can be seen in South China sea. As the American military power is in the slow process of receding, China saw this is the best chance for them to take on risky oceanic ventures. Also, by giving economic support to the countries along the Silk Road, China is trying to hijack these countries, which are mostly authoritarian and undemocratic.

India seems to be the country that stands in the way of China. China is somewhat successful in intimidating or appeasing other countries, though. China is lending their hand as far as Africa, where China could take advantage of helping and having friendly relationship with the countries there, which largely have failed to construct domestic economy and desparately need help.

In considering these factors, what are we going to expect them to do when foretelling China's future? The gravest problem will be found in Hong Kong. 1989 Tianmen Square protests, with the killing of pro-democracy camp in Beijing, enabled the government to continue its totalitarian policy, and the same thing is going to happen in Hong Kong.

Though atrocity has not broken out yet, the citizen of Hong Kong know what will happen if they protest, and the rest of the world do,too. In the near future any democratic movement in Hong Kong will lose their energy and the leaders will find they have no choice but to escape abroad or go underground.

In 2 or 3 years, Hong Kong will become one of the ordinary cities in China, such as Shanghai and Chongqing. Relative economic superiority of Hong Kong has been been greatly lowered in the economic development of the whole country these 20 years. That's why there will be no effective sanctions from abroad even if foreign countries take up protests. The sanctions on Hong Kong will no longer have harmful percussions on Chinese economy.

Above all, China took advantage of the world-wide confusion caused by Covid-19. Every country is preoccupied by their domestic problems and cannot afford to deal with Hong Kong problem in earnest. The problem of Hong Kong will be forgotten as time passes, or be too late, and other port towns of China will take the place of Hong Kong.

In the history of humankind any super countries have territorial ambition. It is inevitable for them to keep expanding their economic scale. China is no exception. As we have already known, their territorial claim for Senkaku islands is too apparent, and in the South China Sea, they are threatening the territorial rights and fishery rights of Vietnam, Indonesia and the Philipines.

The more serious problems facing China is how to feed the 14 billion people. As everybody knows, 3 billion people in the United States are just wasting the natural resources collected from all over the world, but China are also trying to do the same for the population nearly 5 times larger. This is not a regional problem, but the global problem challenging the future of mankind.

Their too forcible exploitation is already threatening the countries, especially poor ones. For example, in Senegal, fishermen have been catching fishes along the coastal area since the time unknown with the meagre catch, which, thanks to the low-grade fishing techniques and small boats has saved the limited fishery resources to this day without overcatching.

But Chinese money has made possible the introduction of trawling, with the result of fishing deep seas due to the depletion of the coastal catch. In 10 years the fishery of Senegal will be destroyed, leaving barren seabeds.

"Poverty industry" is also characteristic of Chinese business. With that, in Africa all kinds of industries are debted to the bankrupcy, with the result of being deprived of what little is left. Of course, the US and European countries have long been engaged in such activities too, but more precisely, and especially in countries where their economy is fragile and the government is suffering from coruption. In one country, the whole system of a port have been deprived of by Chinese enterprises.

The United States, though slowly, exerts less and less military influence on the Pacific ocean, to say nothing of Indian ocean. The move has been accelerated under President Trump, with his half-hearted isolation policy and demand for more financial burden on the alliances. It is not clear how the presidents after Trump will take their stance, but there is no mistake that the US is under the pressure of China.

Peace that humankind can maintain is possible only if there is a balance. Now is the time when the balance of power is in jeopardy around China, such as in the South China sea. Serious invasive acitivity may break out at any moment. To prevent this well in advance, there must be adequate deterrence. Power vacuum has always been a cause of conflicts and large scale wars in the history.

What is needed now is a presence of Japanese force not based on militarism. After expanding an ordinary force, it is necessary for us to become nuclear-capable with enough mobillity in no time. France, Britain and Russia have an influencial deplomatic voice only because they have nuclear weapons. Without them, they cannot help being at the mercy of superpowers.

Fortunately, Japan has abundant meterials produced in nuclear power stations for making nuclear bombs and hydrogen bombs. There will be no technical problems and we no longer need nuclear tests thanks to simulation technology, and can make nuclear warheads with less budget. Loading these nuclear weapons on nuclear submarines and aircraft carriers, we will swiftly patrol around Southeast Asia, to say nothing of Japan, and China won't be able to take on bellicose conducts easily.

Based on the assumption that defensive forces will not deter the aggressive behavior, the revocation of Aegis Ashore system in June 2020 clearly seems to show that the domestic tone of argument is in the direction of destroying hostile military bases abroad. It is important to deprive the intension of attacking in the first place instead of facing aggressive behavior directly.

At any rate, if we have the same capacity of nuclear forces, our enemy will find it difficult to resort to reckless behavior. In this way, cold wars in the past had prevented desastrous results. If any of the countries has nuclear force, the probability of nuclear wars breaking out is low. History tells us wars with conventional weapons are likely to break out if both or the other country doesn't have a nuclear force.

The problem is, how to persuade Asian countries who have nightmare about Japanese "Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere" in the past. Ideally, to surround China with security treaties such as NATO may be the best solution, but this depends mostly on how possible the solidarity and cooperation of each country, including Australia and New Zealand.

As we have seen the history of mankind, it is next to impossible to talk peacefully. The reason for the cold war between the US and the USSR had been prevented from being "hot" war is that they continued the military expansion game and intimidation to the extent that both the national strengths had been exhausted. There is no other way for us to prevent the third, fourth, and fifth World War from breaking out.

On the other hand, isn't there any possibility of internal destruction of China? Isn't there any historical process that may cause the toppling of Beijing government? Here it is necessary to verify the downfall of the Soviet Union in detail. How the internal destruction took place in there? Authoritarian system initiated by Stalin and the precedence of "Gulag" may present a model case for the destruction of Beijing government.

It is nearly 80 years since the establishment of the Republic of China. Once there was a time when the country seemed to be resolved due to the death of Mao, but by purging the discontented groups and wiping out registance groups who stand in the way of the government in the case of Tienanmen Square protests. And more than anything else, the 20-30 years of economic growth and the expansion of the state has enable the government to afford to channel its energy to the stabilization of the whole system.

The present Beijing government promotes neither communist nor capitalist system. This is a huge imitation of ancient regime in Nazi Germany. But it is next to impossible to continue sustaining the Nazi-like system for a long time in the history of mankind. China has been in power struggle since the period of Qin Shi Huang. The present regime is trying hard to maintain their political system, but there are some groups which aim to topple it. When these groups, and the rebels in Xinjiang, Tibet and Hong Kong form a united front, the resulting political power may destroy the present Beijing government. At any rate, as long as the present system of "Oriental Nazis" continue to exist, there will be no future for the humankind, to say nothing of China. The best solution for China is to form a loose unity of small countries as in the EU.


コロナ以後の飛行機旅行 2020/05/16 ➡ Airline services after the Pandemic
















Airline services after the Pandemic

We used to enjoy air travel very cheap before the Covid 19 pandemic. Apart from Business class and First class, airlies tried to make profit by squeezing as many passengers into small space as possible. LCC (Low-cost carrier) is a typical example of pushing forward the strategy to the extreme. But now, the "Three conditions (closed space, crowds and close contact) " are no longer allowed in the cabins of a aircraft like any other public transportations.

Should a new infection break out inside the cabin, the company will immediately be defeated in a competition with other airlines. In a huge passernger plane a maximum of nine seats used to be arranged in a row. But they are now planning to remove three seats in the center, leaving the left and right side of the seats. Of course, it would be impossible to manage the enterprise with such a small seating capacity.

Tours made up of "discount tickets" will be a memory of good old days. The air tariff will again be what it used to be in the former days. For example, the fare from London to Tokyo will exceed \ 900.000. The popularization of traveling abroad was made possible by the price reduction, but once again it will become a privilage given only to affluent people, and ordinary people will be heading for other kinds of activities.

On the other hand, the news is arriving that octopuses, which only live in a clear water and calm environment, has made a come back in and around of the city of Venice. It is also said that the atomosphere all over the world has become so clear and transparent that the Himalayan Range can be seen across from the northern part of India. These are not bad news. There is a good chance of accelerating the reduction of carbon dioxide emission.

There have been a lot of reorganization and restructuring of airlines which fell behind their global competitors since the bankruptcy of Pan American Airways. In this age of pandemic, there will be more of them on a larger scale, small airlines and airlies without government subsidies disappearing, with the result of a shrinking airline industry.

Before the pandemic, many people had been aware of the ill effects of "overtourism", but now there will be a decreasing number of souvenir stores and travel agencies. Regret to say, only the rich people will have a monopoly of traveling abroad, but speaking from an environmental viewpoint, this may be a welcome.

But airline industry, in a competition for survival, won't do nothing. For the affluent customers, they will offer them as luxurious service as before. But the problem is how to take in economy passengers. Since the new arrangement of the seats won't turn a profit, a whole new idea is required to transport the passengers.

Capsule Hotel, a unique type of hotel invented in Japan, may give us an idea useful in carrying air passengers. Japanese people devised a new way of making small rooms confortable to stay in by adding various functions. Some guests prefer to spend the night at capsule hotel. While the number of capsule hotels are decreasing in the country, new ones are being constructed in Narita airport. The lodging expenses of capsule hotel is not so low as we think, but it is certain that this type can accommodate a lot of guests compared with rooms with standing height.

Economy flight of tomorrow will be centered in "flying lying". To say nothing of capsule hotels, economy class passengers of a ferryboat usually stay flat on the floor in spacious second class cabins, where pillows are only amenities for them. It is possible to transport "the bodies" for the duration of 3 to 4 hours, upto a maximum of 15 hours.

Airline industry will make great reform of the fuselage, making all the economy passengers lie on the bed in the capsules. This will enable the space to be put to good use up to the ceiling, and the passenger capacity will be much larger. Meals are not served any more, not more than snacks and drinks. Infection from other passengers are effectively prevented thanks to the capsule structure.

More and more people will be satisfied as long as the air tariff is kept reduced. When the passengers are seated in upright position, movies and meals must be provided because they are bored during the flight, and their seat belts must be checked when an airplane jolts, takes off and lands. And actually, the cabin crew will be released from all these nuisances. Even for passengers, it is very awkward and annoying to move to the aisle side when sitting on the other end.

In addition, how about offering safe sleeping pills to the passengers who can't fall asleep during the flight, letting them enjoy comfortable sleep before getting their destination? Business persons moving around the world are all exhausted from jet lag and tight schedules, and the cabin is an ideal place for recovery of fatigue. This is good news for their health and their employers.

Economy class syndrome will also disappear. Being seated upright may cause some people to have bad effect, while lying on the bed prevents them from have troubles in blood circulation. The problem of backache by sitting for a long time will also disappear. Aircraft turbulence sometimes causes injury in the cabin, and the capsules will make the passengers safer. There are so many blessings! When airline companies start this strategy, the number of the passengers will increase again. But to our regret, the problem of carbon emission reduction and overtourism will be left until later...


コロナウィルス流行から人類は何を学ぶか?2020/04/20What should we learn from Coronavirus Pandemic?

















銃、病原菌、鉄」 Jared Diamond (草思社)によれば、1492年以後ヨーロッパ人のアメリカ大陸への到着によって、無数の原住民たちが犠牲になったが、それは武力による殺戮だけでなく、原住民が全く「抗体」を持っていなかった病気にかかってのことだったとある。ヨーロッパ人にとってのごく普通の鼻風邪でさえも、南米大陸最南端のフエゴ島に住む、摂氏4度の気温でも裸で過ごす屈強な島民を死なせてしまったという。























What Should We Learn From Coronavirus Pandemic?


There is an expression "猖獗を極める (plague rages)". Humankind has experienced epidemics of plagues and infectious diseases over and over, and this Chinese-based character has often been used. But in recent years this word has almost completely become obsolete and very few can read this word as "sho-o-ke-tsu wo ki-wa-me-ru" unless they are specially interested in difficult Chinese letters.

Humankind was being scared of epidemics for a long time. Thanks to the development of medical science, we have become confident of curing any diseases, whether cancer or heart diseases. Just as we are achieving the victory, we are suffering from a kind of ordinary common cold. It may as well caught us off guard. This also means that "Natural Selection" has risen, which humankind has thought they had conquered long ago.

What is natural selection? For example, a slow and dull zebra will be eaten by a lion immediately. The survivors are nimble and agile, and the future of zebras will be guaranteed. If this does not work, there will be more and more dull zebras easily eaten by lions.

In the case of humans, thanks primary to the development of medical science and the creation of comfortable living (i.e. self-domestication), this natural selection has stopped working, especially in these 200 years. This resulted in increasing number of individuals unfit for survival including, to say nothing of aging ones, but also with chronic disease such as diabetes and heart troubles. This is why modern hospitals are very crowded.

To solve this problem. some governments tried to control the degradation of natural selection by implementing "eugenic protection act". But this resulted in stark failure because they tried to decide themselves to eliminate the sub-standard mental and physical abilities of people by their arbitrary standards. The wilful selection led to many victims. Once humankind has made up environments and technology convenient for themselves, it is next to impossible for our species to keep healthy development without intervening.

This time, the infectious disease took a role of natural selection. This new type of virus, Covid-19 hasn't been well understood so far, and as of April 2020, no country or group have succeeded in putting it under control. The surprising rapidity of its infection has made more and more sick or aged individuals, who have been able to live on thanks to the medical treatment technique in our society, unexpected victims.

The very fact that 80% of the persons infected with Covid-19 are mild cases has made the contagion easier. If the Covid-19 were a fatal disease like cholera or Black Death, people will do their best to contain the infection with determination, but symptoms like only a mild cold will make especially young people think to themselves "a good night sleep will cure me" without taking it too seriously. Despite feeling unwell, they will participate in meetings such as drinking parties, where contacting with other people is unavoidable.

Then the number of mild cases increases greatly with the result of the people in danger of getting worse being infected and dead. Italy, like Japan is an typical aging society, and once the infection started, it spread to nursing facilities in the country and it has become impossible to stop it. The great number of the dead is very likely to make Italy no longer an aging society.

Another cause that accelerates the infection is, as in the case of New York, "a disparity in earnings", which has already existed in the U.S. This is why there are more black and Hispanic patients. In the case of them, to say nothing of lack of clinics and medicines, their diet depending on fast food with poor nutritional balance in their daily life causes their immune system to be weakened. In addition, Obama Care, the national health insurance system, is at the far lower level than that of European countries. What is worse, the President Trump left it as it was.

For this reason, it seems impossible to declare worldwide ending of the disease in less than one or two years, after which the practical application of effective vaccine or specific medicines will be possible. In China, the infection originating in Wuhan has seemingly become under control, and little by little the ordinary life has been coming back. But the progression is extremely slow and cautious. This is because people are afraid of the second or third infection. There is no guarantee that any person with the infection will never be infected again as in the case of measles. It is not improbable that they may be infected over and over again just like common cold and influenza. In that case, people may have to continue living under the eternal anxiety.

It seems certain that China has passed its peak of infection, but in Europe, only a sign of decreasing number of death has appeared. In the U.S. another new infection will break out in the areas other than New York city. And in the South America, Africa and Near East, the infection has only just begun. It will take at least 3 years to be safe enough to hold the Olympic Games with all the countries passing through its infection peaks.

Here we notice that there lies the problem of the overall "weakening of immune strength". The immune strength which we have had since our birth has become vulnerable because of too much comfortable living with the progress of technology and low quality of dietary life caused by food industry with only aim of making a profit, and extreme reduction of daily physical exercise due to our convenient modern life.

To deal with the virus, we are recommended to wash our hands and wear masks, but this is the minimum strategy targeting the people with average immunity strength, and not effective enough for the weakest immune system. Since the wholesome life habit in the past is neglected and more and more people depend on artificial environment and the use of disinfectant, it has become difficult for individuals to face with strong pathogenic enemies.

Especially, Japan is a country where people make too much a fuss over "anitimicrobial" or "antiseptic". With the result, people are not interested in making their immunity stronger, and the "Tanren (forging)" has completely become death word. People have long suffered from tuberculosis, dysentery and diphteria. We are offspring of the people who survived the battle against diseases. We must not forget that the modern life habit has weakened our immunity which should be strong enough as such.

When we look at the Covid 19 death toll, there is a really big deference in number among the regions. While there are 10.000 to 20.000 deaths in Europe, Southeast Asia has unexpectedly low fatalities. Japan topped the list of few fatalities numbering less than 200 in the middle of April in 2020, and Taiwan and Hong Kong has been successful in curbing the deaths number. It is true that Wuhan is the epicenter of this infection, and the great number of victims there is said to be due to the failure of initial motion system, but compared with Europe, many megacities in China has fewer fatalities. What is the reason for this gap?

According to "Guns, Germs and Steel" by Jared Diamond, After Europeans reached the American continents in 1492, countless indigenous people were killed not only by the slaughter but also because they became ill on account of not having the "antibodies". Even a common cold for Europeans was said to have led to death the tough-looking tribe who live naked at the temperature of 4 degree centigrade on Tierra del Fuego at the southern tip of the South American continent.

The modern-day inhabitants of Tierra del Fuego are no longer so vulnerable. This is because once an infection spread in a society, the majority of the inhabitants are infected, gaining antibodies against the disease, and the infection stops spreading, with decreasing number of serious cases. This is called "herd immunity", and herd immunity has almost established, for example, for modern head cold.

In the case of Covid 19, there may be difference in the type of antibodies according to regions. By the end of 2019, Chinese tourists traveled everywhere in Japan. In some skiing resorts, there were more Chinese people than the Japanese. This has caused the Japanese people unintentionally to produce antibodies in their immune system, which can confront various diseases brought by the Chinese. If so, it is likely that for a Japanese, an infectious disease breaking out in China ends up with a mild case.

The same can be said in Asia in general. Not only Taiwan and Hong Kong mentioned above, but Malaysia and Singapore has large overseas Chinese societies, which maintains a tight relationship with mainland China. This may be reason why not so many people infected by Covid 19 or get worsened by it.

In contrast, Europeans and Americans have less contact with the Chinese than people in Southeast Asia. In Italy, where the greatest number of people were infected, Milan in the northern part of the country, where many traders with China live, became a great center of the epidemic. Italians other than the traders, are not equipped with antibodies against China-originated infectious diseases. The same is true of Spain, France, Britain and the U.S..

The great infection of Covid 19 has much to do with the globalization. In the past human infectious diseases were confined to some regions. That means only in the places where many people gather and interact, the diseases broke out, and they rarely spread to remote islands or countries separated by big mountains. In contrast, due to the great frequency of flights in the modern times, the surface of the earth looking as if covered with tight nets, there are so many "neighboring areas" that takes only 1 or 2 hours to visit. There is little time difference between inter-cities and inner city transportation.

Here comes a concept "lockdown". The idea is to "fixate" the areas where the epidemic is raging in order to reproduce the scenario of bygone days. If you stop the free flow of people, the infection will be curbed, but with great sacrifice and difficulty. Isn't it a very passive way to deal with the epidemic, made up by some mousy specialists and politicians? But releasing the lockdown would greatly increase the number of serious cases and deaths, and the public and humanists would not let the natural selection go its own way. No other ways?

To cut the flow of the people who are moving freely would be an unbearable change especially for young people. No matter how hard we try to convince people of its efficacy, it will take a lot of time to implement it thoroughly, partly because the majority of the people infected by Covid 19 are mild cases. Or, numberless people may fall victim to it. And no one can be sure about the economic impact of it.

Another problem is that even if the number of infected people can be largely curbed due to the execution of lockdown, many people who haven't infected by the virus remain in the confined region, and they lack the antibodies because of not getting infected and they tend to get newly infected the moment lockdown is lifted. That is, lockdown can only delay the spread of infection, but without formation of herd immunity, only put off the problem and risk causing a second or third wave of infection,

Almost all the countries try to set blockage or encourage the people to stay home, and no one is sure if this is the best way. We can do nothing but wait for the result to come out until the end of this epidemic. I would rather get myself infected voluntarily and let my own immune system produce the antibodies sooner, that is, sooner than new vaccine is put into use. I would like to leave to deity as to whether I will advance in severity or not, that is, whether I will put myself into Natural Selection's hands. All I have to do is find a suitable place for quarantine for two weeks so as not to infect other people. It would be irresponsible for you to cause others to fall into serious condition or to die. Edward Jenner (1749-1823), who invented a vaccine for smallpox, is said to take such a method to his son. (Various opinions exist)

The effectiveness of lockdown will largely depend on the scale of a country or city. New York, Paris and Tokyo have too large a population to trace back the clusters when there are infected people. In small countries such as Greece (pop.11mil.), Sweden (pop.9.8mil.) and cities such as Stockholm (pop.0.92 mil.), it would be possible to control the epidemic. In fact, in the areas of such scale of population, the epidemic is not so serious.

In the case of Covid 19 pandemic, it has become clear that large countries such as U.S., China, India and Brazil lack in maneuverability for having their people behave in the same way, and suffer from inefficiency. Even in China, where totalitarian government system hold power, much stronger authority was needed to subjugate the people. With that, the Chinese government managed to take control of the lockdown in Wuhan. Even Britain, France, Germany and Japan are too large in population scale, because there are megacities in those countries.

Specifically, it is necessary to increase the number of the infected among the people while withholding the number of serious cases and death as small as possible. With that, there will be more holders of antibody. There is no telling when the vaccine will be completed. Waiting for it will take its toll in the economy of every country. As of April, 2020, Germany and Sweden seems to come nearest to accomplishing that object. In the case of Japan, the system of PCR method and antibody test is still insufficient, even masks are in short supply.

The new experience the humankind has had has made clear the new fact concerning "the quality of a leader". For example, President Tramp, who jockeys for dealing with North Korea, seems to be at a loss when it comes to dealing with epidemics, hurricane and drought, which are not suitable for using bluffs, but require steady step-by-step procedure listening patiently to the advice of specialists. There can be seen many examples of lack of initial motion system at the beginning of the epidemic, and most part of it is due to the incompetent leaders. When people elect their president or prime minister, it is necessary to closely examine the ability not only for political tactics but for coping with natural disasters.

On the other hand, the virus casts a dark shadow upon us. In the case of this epidemic, it is very difficult to count the exact number of the infected people because the virus's infectious capacity is very strong. It is also very difficult to control the endemic unless we correctly track where an patient got infected and grasp in what place the crowd gather densely. Internet and AI give us great help, but there are many politicians who plot to construct a future surveillance society controled by computer system when the pandemic has been conquered.

We can find a good example in Xi Jinping. What he is doing in Xinjiang is going to be adopted in the cities where the endemic has ended, and in the name of protecting the people's health, the Beijing government is getting ready for putting them in a large virtual prison. Once the world George Orwell predicted in "1984" comes true, there is no returning. People are deprived of privacy, staying ants for good. There will be less dangerous in countries where people are sensitive to the deprivation of personal freedom, but the people who are busy making ends meet, not affording to such danger are indifferent to the Orwellian dystopia as long as their stomach is filled.

Fortunately, the impact of this epidemic has lessen the severity of global warming unintentionally. This is not because the leaders have become penitent, but because the economic situations have worsened to the degree more than Greta has demanded, even though temporarily. Satellite photograph has shown that the air over any industrial belt is very clear and transparent. You can view the Himalayan Range with beautiful white snow caps crisply from the northern region of India for the first time in 30 years.

This temporal economic downturn would never solve the problem of global warming once and for all, and once the infection subsides, the air pollution will end up right back where it started, but people can learn that dealing with the problem in earnest may lead to cleaner world.

There is another fortunate thing. That is, unlike natural disasters, accidents and wars, nothing is physically destroyed in this pandemic. No damage is done to all infrastructures, factories and offices. The only problem is that we can find no human power to get them going. For those who have seen burnt field as far as the eye could see just after the war, this pandemic seems not so grave. This looks like the disaster caused by neutron bomb. Unlike atomic and hydrogen bombs, it kills living things with the strong radiation, but cause little damage to buildings and structures, only with uninhabited cities. But on the other hand, this reminds us that everything, first of all, depends on human power.

It is economy that brings out human energy. This pandemic seems to have almost halted the economy. What is more, all the developed countries stopped functioning at the same time. To prevent infection from spreading from someone to another, we have to put on the brakes in all the fields of economic activities. But only a month of stoppage may have a deadly impact, and for a longer term, even affordable countries will find it hard to weather the storm of recession. Already in some states of the U.S., protest movements have broke out, with the doubt gushing out whether we should put emphasis on saving life or on economy. Majority of the infections are mild cases in this pandemic, so there are more and more people think that they should save economy at the expense of medical institutions, which are on the verge of collapse, and aged people, who are in danger of dying of the complication.

The severe business depression following the endemic of Covid 19 may greatly change the system opting only for pursuit of profit in the past. This is a good chance for people to find out how the ancient economic system has long distorted the healthy economic development, and this may lead to the starting over of civilization, which in turn can bring about a new set of values. A rather optimistic view, of course, but we have never seen such an impact as Covid 19 which gave us mental blows (panic, anxiety, fear, etc.), and unlike wars, natural disasters and destructions in the past, new realignment quite different in dimension may be brought about.

What has become especially clear so far is that fearfulness of disease, annihilation and extinction is deeply implanted in the mind of the people who were vaguely optimistic about what material civilization and technological advances had promised. People tend to behave irrationally with fear. This epidemic has seen, first of all, buying up, spreading of conspiracy theories, and then ridiculous methods of driving back the virus. This shows that people are under unstable mental condition, losing sight of their future and succumbed to uncontrollable fear and anxiety. These responses have not changed since the epidemic of Black Death in the 13th century.




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