
動 詞 句

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動詞句の機能 基本5文型では表しきれない動詞表現を補完する

動詞句の基本5文型(注;第4については、他動詞+副詞+ O も可)

第1タイプ 自動詞 + 副詞
go on, come over, look around, go by,come to, get along
第2タイプ 自動詞 + 前置詞 +O
look at O, deal with O cope with O, look after O, get on O, do without O, dispense with O
第3タイプ 自動詞 + 副詞 + 前置詞 + O
put up with O, keep up with O, get away with O, do away with O, come up with O, take away from O
第4タイプ 他動詞 +O+副詞
put O on, take O off, get O over, put O off
第5タイプ 他動詞+O+前置詞 +O
remind O of O, inform O of O, prevent O from O, keep O from O, put O in O, introduce O to O, rob O of O, deprive O of O, clear O of O (最初の O が固定されているもの)take care of O, catch sight of O,


前置詞+Oの有無が動詞の意味に変化を及ぼさないもの(副詞句ー取り外し自由) wait< for O>, live <in O>, go<to O>, sit<on O>


look at <O>, look for <O>, deal in <O>, deal with <O>


動詞+ing形 avoid~ ing, mind~ ing, fisnish~ ing, enjoy~ ing,help~ ing, stop ~ing, miss ~ing, suggest ~ing
動詞+to不定詞 hope to~, want to~, tend to~, hesitate to~, refuse to~, wish to~, promise to~

ドリル (解答)


  1. The drama went on though someone made a terrible noise.
  2. We have to look into the matter if it is important.
  3. How can we put up with such heat!
  4. Engineers must keep abreast of the progress of the technology.
  5. If I call him, he will come along.
  6. Watch out! Someone is there.
  7. She is putting on contact lenses instead of glasses.
  8. Will you account for the money you spent?
  9. Can you tell good funguses from poisoned ones?
  10. They informed me of the accident that occurred yesterday.
  11. They provided us with food and water.
  12. Let's call off the picnic if it rains heavily.
  13. Whey did they laugh at you yesterday?
  14. I can't make out what he says.
  15. He failed to live up to his boss's expectation.

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