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時事メモ(過去掲載分Essays Written in the Past)Part Four

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イランの核開発 ( English )






Iranian Nuclear Development

Iran, which had never hidden a strong inclination to develop nuclear weapons, has shown its strong will to do it in earnest. This, naturally, is provoking a backlash in chorus among Western countries.

Off course, it is undesirable for even one member to join in the atomic club for the sake of world peace, but the opposition countries except Germany consist of the powerful who have already own the nuclear weapons. About forty years ago, these countries repeated nuclear test explosions to develop strategic weapons over the deserts and oceans, contaminating our environment to the core and striking terror into people's hearts

They never give up their weapons. What is even worse, the U.S. insists on their right to make a preemptive strike against its enemies, and never even keeps trying to hide the fact that they themselves are the greatest obstacle to global peace. It is perfectly no use trying to deter other countries from undertake to develop the weapons, while the powerful countries keep getting hold of them. The more strongly they accuse Iran, the more clearly their hypocrisy will only be exposed.

There must be not a few countries all over the world which want to own their atomic weapons. As long as nuclear nations are in a oligopoly situation, there is no cutting short the long line of the candidates. Unless the U.S., the only superpower, has decided to decrease the number of their nuclear weapons (In fact, they have enough weapons to destroy our earth several times!) and to make it clear that they would not invade any countries with arbitrary cause, as seen in Iraq, it would be impossible to let the people in the world overcome their distrust.

January 14, 2006

自民党の地滑り的勝利 ( English )







A Landslide Victory of the Liberal Democratic Party in Japan 2005

The 42nd election of the House of Representatives was over. Liberal Democratic Party and its ally, Komeito overwhelmingly increased their seats thanks to nonaligned voters, who never think of politics in their daily lives. But once these voters happened to vote for some reason or other, they are subject to temporary emotional factors, which publicity expert politicians always take advantage of.

Nazi won a victory at the general election, when they repeated anything very pleasant to the mass without mentioning anything about gravely important, and they got the firm foundation of administration in the 1930s. In Japan so many problems have piled up, but the activities of political parties are heavy-footed and no sooner had many people expected the advent of Democratic Party to introduce a two-party system then they saw one-party dictatorship flourish once again.

It is more than 60 years since the last war ended, and people's way of thinking is drifting to the right. Economy has matured, and for fear of losing the relative prosperity they wanted conservative political systems to rule the country, as do the people in Britain and the United States. Privatization is believed to be the only magic bullet to solve all the woes, and securing corporal profits takes precedence over preventing the increase in unemployment and widening gulf between rich and poor.

Prime Minister Koizumi's going and worshiping at Yasukuni Shrine brought burning hatred in the neighboring countries. Liberal Democratic Party, who is sure to be confident and arrogant, will no doubt accelerate its rightward tilt. Political stability produces corruption. Interdependence of Japan and the US will be reinforced and military partnership will be also tightened up..

State coffers has been alarmingly wasted and our future generation will have to to take up the slack ; tax hike imposed not on big businesses, but on the people. The clouds are beginning to gather over Japan's future. But only the voters are to blame, as were the German in the 1930's.

September 12, 2005

貧富の差を放置ーニューオリンズの惨事 ( English )







The Tragedy of New Orleans---pople left behind

Hurricane Kathrina has left its blow not only in the State of Louisiana and around. The storm, of course, was one of the severest in the history, but the miserable failure to deal effectively with the disaster gives us an impression that betrays the stature of the richest country in the world.

The wealthy people in New Orleans had no sooner left the town in their cars and headed for the safety than the storm arrived. And yet the poor people were left behind who cannot afford cars or traveling expenses, resulting from the acrimonious economic competition as elsewhere in the U.S..

President Bush did reduced the tax on the rich, but concerning the condition poor people are in, he looked the other way. Now. his demeanor was exposed to the light of day thanks to Kathrina. This may prove fatal mistake to him.

The richest country in the world can be defined under the context of the number of the wealthy people, and as you witness the looting and shoot-out right after the flood, law and order is as insecure as in any country in the Middle East and Africa. This is the reality of the United States. The desperate condition of the people may lead to insurgency, and/or revolution.

The U.S., boasting their economic prosperity, has wasted the natural resources and clawed back a lot of money from investment, while no domestic gap between the haves and have-nots is more widened than anywhere else, thus ending up having to pay heavy prices. As it turned out, in terms of civilization, the U.S. is a barbaric country where only the wealth is abundant.

September 4, 2005

フランスのEC憲法拒否 ( English )






French Rejection of the EU Constitution

Hot debating among family members and friends in France led to the flat rejection of the EU constitution (draft) in the referendum taking place on June 1. This means the French tradition since the Revolution has not been dead. In a sense, they spoke out their concerns, not under the government's thumb.

Furthermore, the turnout was above 60% and approached 70%. In Japan, almost all of the election turnouts are less than 50% and in the local elections, fall into the 30s. Compared with Japanese people, we can see how serious talk the French had about their country and the future of their lives.

The contents of the EU constitution seem to be influenced by the market-driven policy of the US and the UK. If they had said yes to the constitution, they might be able to construct a powerful community competitive to the US economy, but from the global point of view this simply means the rising of another US., leading with certain to the destruction of the welfare system, increasing number of workers with unstable status and widening gap between the rich and the poor.

On that poing the rejection this time was a wise choice. Elite beauraucrats in the EU will have to remix the draft and we hope they make a brandnew, "European" constitution which takes the place of the barbarian system in which economic dominance and over conconcentration of wealth as seen in the US.

May 30, 2005

アメリカの属国から中国の属国へ ( English )






The Subject Country of the US to that of China

I don't know why, but those who are at the top of the Japanese government are not aware of the very fact; they are totally ignorant of the power shift of the modern world., though they have been creepy-crawly obedient to the US demands, never saying a word of reproach against having atomic bombs dropped, providing the site for US forces.

From the viewpoint of geographical location, Japan is destined to be a subject country of China, which is in near future certain to become a power in the East Asia. Japan will have a role in providing "ideas", not exerting economic influence. For that purpose Japan would have to make up the stricken relation with China during the Second World War, but prime minister Koizumi dares repeatedly to hurt the surrounding countries by offer prayers at Yasukuni Shrine, where war deads including the first grade war criminals.

How canJapan be really qualified for permanent member of the U.N. Security Council? Japanese politicians may not able to change thier policy until the diplomatic relations are so deteriorated as to unable to mending realations with countries in the East Asia

A country which has no natural resources or political perspective for the future course have no choice but to become tributary. In several years, when it becomes clear that Japan has been left behind in every walk of life, it will be too late to speak out its justification for existence. Japan would regaret it hasn't decided how we manage after sliding down to lower places.

May 28, 2005

アメリカ産牛肉は絶対食うな!( English )






Refrain from American Beef!

A monstrous demand! To them profits from selling beef is far more important than human life. From the US secretary of state Rice to congressmen, they all insist that Japan stop banning the import of beef and that they resort to the economic sanction on Japan.

They scamp their keeping the cattle, set their own arbitrary standards, call it "scientific", and shamelessly try to force through beef export in the name of "free trade". It is evident that they don't care about dropping nuclear bombs and killing hundreds of thousands of people in an instant and this hasn't changed at all after an interval of a half century.

If you hold your life dear, never eat American beef. Their feeding the cattle stuff laced with hormones caused trade friction with European Union thirty years ago. And this time their cattle are suspected to have diseases in danger of contracting the human form of mad cow disease. . If Japanese government gives in to their political pressure and American beef be imported, we should start boycotting it, and retail shops and gyuudon-ya (beef bowl restaurant ) must be sanctioned who dare to sell it.

Only 0.7% of the whole cattle in American are inspected as to whether they are infected with BSE or not, and they are far from screening all the cattle as we do in Japan. If the inspection is completely performed, tens of thousands of BSE-infected cattle will be discovered. That will be the end of American livestock farming. But we have to show the whole world that we put health far above trade gain.


フセインは正しく裁かれているか (English)







Is Hussein being justly judged ?

Under what accusation is Hussein is ? He is no different from "ordinary" dictators who are found anywhere in Asia, Africa and South America. Only one difference ; he was a ruler of a country where vast oil reserves are untapped.

We were completely mistaken to blindly believe the anoucement of American government that he was a rogue and killer who enjoyed his killing instinct as much as possible. We were also mistaken to have forgotten that it took more than 1.000 Husseins to match the murders against civilians committed by the U.S. government, who repeated their lies.

Now, he is forced to appear court. He has not met a legitimate judge for more than a year. The only thing that is certain is that he was tortured over and over again. Like many lynches, no one has ever treated fairly in such a case. Be reminded of Nuremberg trials just after World War 2. Only victors have a jurisdiction over everything.

Only winners are right, not righteousness in this human world. What has become of the people who were brought to Guantanamo, Cuba, from Afghanistan and Iraq ? Needless to say, they were abducted without any proper evidence and are being tortured almost every day. Americans are really good at trampling upon human rights.

After World War 2, many humanitarian treaties were concluded in reflection of cruel wars, but the militarily strongest country in the world doesn't care about abiding to them. However disastrous damage people have been given, almost no lesson is left to the humanity. Is it true that every period sees new victor troops and they act as much as they like ?

Feb 21 2005

世界はどうなる ( English ) ブッシュが再選された今、世界はどうなるのだろう。人類の滅亡は2070年頃といわれているが、これは20年ぐらい早まることだろう。これまでの4年間のブッシュの政治手腕を見ると傲慢で、世界で最も強大な国の指導者としての資質があまりに欠けているのに驚かされる。








What will happen to our world? Now that Bush has been re-elected, what will become of the world? It is said that the extinction of human beings will take place around 2070, but his re-election will make it sooner by 20 years. Looking back on what he did for the four years, it is surprising that Bush was too arrogant to show leadership for the mightiest country in the world.

Characteristic of him are the political stances in which completely ignoring various cultures and values unique to the countries in the world and in the false name of "democracy" which is in fact a facism, he doesn't mind sacrificing many citizens for the purpose of obtaining energy resources which are indsipensable to an American economy.

American interests are blatantly the hightest priority and he is completely uninterested in the U.N. activities and environmental preservation as put forward in the Kyoto accord. For him, there is no such thing as diplomacy. He only approves of threatening with naked arms as the former empires used to do. It is no surprising that terror threat has shown no sign of disappearing.

We can find many pro-American groups everywhere in the world, as seen in the Liberal Democratic Party of Japan, who seeks to come in for a share given by the U.S. For them independence and pride of a sovreign state are empty words, only in pursuit of concessions.

Who elected Bush, then? Where is his constituency? What we have found is interesting enough. The states in which Kelly won are "urban" ones, such as NewYork and California. On the other hand, the states in which Bush prevailed are "rural" ones, headed by Texas.

These are the states where teaching evolution in school is prohibited, not a few people are convinced that Cuba borders on the former Soviet Union, some people wear white sheets with two holes for eyes open, used to lynch blacks to death and even now love to burn the crosses. Their living centers around hypocricy, as claiming to ban abortion and same-sex marriages.

As we see, Bush is supported by the people who can think only of their only interests, not of the things from the larger perspective. What will happen when such a man takes the helm for the next four years? We need cautious preliminary surveying.

November 29, 2004

誘拐殺害 ( English ) イラクに旅行者としてきた香田さんが拉致されて殺された。自民党政府が自衛隊撤退を拒否したばかりにこういうことになった。これは自己責任以前に国家が犯罪行為を行っているために生じた当然の結果である。日本はまず直ちにイラクから「軍隊」を引き上げなければならない。



「テ ロリスト」という言葉に惑わされてはいけない。ウソの理由で国を占領され、空爆やヘリコプター攻撃で自分の5歳の娘を殺されたならば、私ならためらわず占 領者を殺す。すべての人類に保証された当然の権利である。日本に愛国者がいるなら、イラクにも自分の国を守るのは当然である。ブッシュや小泉の「テロに対 する戦い」という主張とは自分たちが正しいのだと見せかける方便にすぎない。

しかも小泉首相はブッシュに隷従している。 日本もアメリカにこの60年間占領されたままだ。アメリカの要求に言いなりである。小泉は日本国民として、人間として恥ずべきことを続けている。かつてナ チスがフランスを占領したときに、レジスタンスが「テロ」を行った。が一方でドイツの占領に協力したフランス人もいた。戦後、そのような人々がどのような ことになったかは歴史が示してくれている。



Abducted and Killed Mr.Kouda, a tourist into Iraq, was abducted and killed. He was killed precisely because the Liberal-democratic government in Japan rejected the withdrawal of their Self Defense Force from Iraq.. This is a natural outcome of the very fact that the government commits crimes, least of Mr.kouda's "self-responsibility".

If SDF remains in Iraq, terrorists will capture another Japansese victim, anywhere in the world, not just in Iraq.  Japanese are now regarded as "watchdog for the US".

The government people claimed that the killing should be labeled as a "criminal act". They insist that killing children in Iraq cities by air raid is not "criminal", but abducting and killing a Japanese should be dealt with "domestic laws". Isn't this a wonderful double standard?

Don't be deceived when they use the word "terrorists". I will not hesitate to try to kill the invaders if they occupy our territory with haphazard causes and kill our five-year-old daughter with aerial bombing and helicopter assaults. This is a natural right guaranteed to all the human kind. If Japan has not a few patriots, then Iraqis are naturally entitled to defend their own country. "fight with the terrorism" is no more than a pious deception when Bush and Koizumi believe that they are righteously doing the right thing..

Moreover, Koizuimi is a slave to Bush. Japan has been occupied by the U.S. these sixty years and always kowtows to the US demands. Koizumi is doing something very shameful as a human being and as a Japanese. When Nazis occupied France, people belonging to the resistance movement began "terrorist" attack. On the other hand, there were some French who collaborated with the occupation policy. History will tell you what had become of those traitors after the war.

We should not do anything disgraceful as a human. What happened in France 60 years ago holds true in our international society. It is surprising that the Nazis invasion bears a close parallel to the American invasion of Iraq. History repeats itself.

Oct.31, 2004

なぜ今常任理事国なのか?( English )







Why now permanent member ?

Japan has wished to become United Nations permanent member. After Second World War Two ended, Japan and Germany, which were defeated countries, could not become permanent member. It was victorious countries, America, England, France, the old Soviet Union and China appointed themselves to permanent position.

The superior leadership facing with terrorism and energy problem etc., in the increasingly complicated international society is required in the United Nations. The countries which aspire to join permanent member anew are expected to stand in the forefront of other countries with confident idea, taking the lead in solving problems.

Does Japan have an ability to undertake this kind of work? Although Japan has paid a large amount of the United Nations assessments, the brain-dead handling of affairs by the former successive prime ministers and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs have become laughing stock of the world. First they are extremely poor at any diplomatic maneuvering. They have never made any memorable, impressive speeches deserving standing ovation in the the United Nations conference hall. The worldwide strategy and the like of course is next to nothing.

The thought of Prime Minister Koizumi is as follows. The position of the permanent member will give Japan more of a voice and the excuse for dispatching the Self Defense Force at the time of international disputing. In accordance with the American unitarism, he aims to become a watch dog for the U.S, thus indirectly keeping the movements in check of other permanent members which may oppose American policies.

This does not at all contribute to world peace. Making stupid propositions will only incite the scorn and laughter of each country. If Japan truly would like to become permanent member, it should stop following the U.S. and it has to be able to discuss anything with the countries in the would with equal footing. It will be still 100 years before Japan has grown up.

September 26, 2004

アメリカからの牛肉輸入再開か?( English )



牛はやっかいな動物だ。草を食べさせて育てるには広大な土地が必要で、ブラジルでやっているように森林をどんどん破壊しなければならない。穀物で育 てることはできるが、牛の胃の調子が悪くなるので薬が必要だし、穀物を育てる広大な畑が必要になる。牛は実に生産効率の悪い動物なのだ。




Reopening beef import ?

Several months after the BSE cows being discovered in the U.S.A, the beef export to Japan which has stopped may be reopened in the near future. This is not because danger of mad cow disease in America has gone away. This is because decreasing number of cows which should get the inspection in which the operating cost is heavily required, only reduces the incidence of having infected cows discovered..

The American U. S. Department of Agriculture, whatever it takes, have the intention of reopening export to Japan. For them it makes little difference whether or not people who have eaten imported beef will get sick. Their only interest is in reducing costs and making money.

The cow is the troublesome animal. To give them grass for eating and raise them, the immense land is necessary, as in Brazil, and you must destroy the forest indefinitely. They can be raised with the grain, but this makes the condition of the digestive organ of the cow deteriorated, which makes it necessary to administer the medicine, and the immense field which grows the grain becomes necessary. The cow is the animal whose production efficiency is truly low.

The American beef, as a certain beef bowl house used to import, is very tender. And no wonder. They are fed NOT the grass which has grown naturally on the land, because the grain which are expected to enter into the mouth of the people is designated as the fodder. Throwing in the enormous amount of water and the fertilizer, they grow the grain which is produced in large quantities and put it into the stomach of the cow, and consequently, the starvation of the world keeps spreading

That mad cow of disease was discovered in America makes it a good chance for us to stop the import of the beef permanently from America. As protein sources there are whales in the ocean and, we can eat beans. We should stop eating beef in large quantities just because it tastes good, and should aim to get all the people in the world to have a balanced diet.

September 10, 2004


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